Damen Hale - DWI Hit and Run - IN CUSTODY! :)

CamaroJoe that picture posted is the guy i was telling you about. So i do know him pretty well. I would have never expected this out of him though. I’ve known him a cpl yrs now. I will do my best to get you what you need.

Online text spamming ftw.


Idk about this Joe i was told he is in hiding due to fear(which may or may not be true) random people telling him he is a murderer or anything like that prolly wont help the situation at all espically with some of the guys on here i can just imagine what is gonna be sent to this kid


Well, noone is dead. so he is not a murderer. But the fact is he hit and ran on Sunday injuring 5 people. Can’t hide underground all his life unless you are Al Queda. And he knows the police are looking for him already.

I believe the news may have picked up on the story recently, so it’s just a matter of time until he is caught.

And phone numbers are public information, so nothing I’m sharing that anyone can’t find with a little research.

i went to grammar school with that guy at grand island…

im pretty sure he is 25yrs old…

he was a loser then and apparently still is. hope they lock him up for a while.

i hope he gets MMS service!!!

LOL @ random google penis photos.


Well, noone is dead. so he is not a murderer. But the fact is he hit and ran on Sunday injuring 5 people. Can’t hide underground all his life unless you are Al Queda. And he knows the police are looking for him already.

I believe the news may have picked up on the story recently, so it’s just a matter of time until he is caught.

And phone numbers are public information, so nothing I’m sharing that anyone can’t find with a little research.


I’m on your side im just saying from the bits an pieces im getting he is fearful and a bunch of people saying a ton of shit to him most likely isnt goin to help u can read the thread an see how many ppl think its gonna be fun.

Its just my .02 maybe it will work only time will tell

Don’t you think if his cell phone was on to receive all these text messages the police would have found him by now? It’s not too hard to triangulate a cell signal, and even easier to simply use the GPS location that many phones now have.

ny is not set up for GPS tracking via E911 currently. (AFAIK)


Don’t you think if his cell phone was on to receive all these text messages the police would have found him by now? It’s not too hard to triangulate a cell signal, and even easier to simply use the GPS location that many phones now have.


Number is no longer in use anyways :frowning:

No longer on the run. The Niagara County Sheriff have him in custody :smiley:

Just got informed of the capture before 10pm. I’m sure I’ll hear more details tomorrow.
Thanks for tips, info, etc. Not sure if it helped yet, but hopefully they did. :tup:

what a dumb dumb ass move on his part. Didnt strike me as the type to run. Did strike me as the type to DWI though.



Thrown to the ground by Sheriff’s FTW!!