Damm Nasa!!! They gonna get us killed!!!

If you don’t have the balls to digest something don’t be ignorant, go work on my car, hmm 1st i don’t have a car but a bike, 2nd, i wouldn’t post this up here if i didn’t think it was important, even if it dosen’t happen now, the consequences will effect us sooner or later, what will you do then.

Funny thing is you keep rejecting ideas, therefore you never develope, but develope a closed mind. Those who open them selves to all ideas are the ones that are the wisest, because sooner or later everything starts to fall into place like a puzzle, even when all those ideas fail, a truth is left in each, for us to combine to the final truth.

you don’t make money sitting at home, you dont climb the corporate ladder without effort and by putting work into it, you won’t ever know the truth, but you can get a strong idea to what it may have been if you try.