Damm Nasa!!! They gonna get us killed!!!

Reference sources, evidence please, otheriwse its just another wacked out conspiracy. And what kind of disruption are we talking about around the south pole of Saturn? I’m quite interested in physics and am curious what the rational behind declaring saturn a dormant star is.

What are you trying to say? Nothing here makes sense. When you mention calculations, what calculations. By transport you would mean a satellite or a space station. Why do you need to read maps and calendars from high altitutes? What do crop circles have to do with the topic of firing nuclear missiles at Jupiter?

How will they blow up saturn? If you accumulated all the worldwide nuclear warheads, you could only blow up earth 7 times. Accumulating that much power into a single warhead and then powering it to fly towards saturn will take an enormous amount of time. Also, the propulsion system of this magical nuclear warhead is in question. What magical power will we use to shoot this missile to saturn? Keep in mind the distance between earth and saturn. it took 3 days for the apollo spacecraft to reach the moon. to reach saturn at that speed it will take almost 30 years.

i would love to see your sources for this ****ed up theory.