Damm Nasa!!! They gonna get us killed!!!

That’s a good attitude dude, and I applaud you for that, oh my bad, about the balls and digest thing I realised I forgot to put a “lol” after it, it was kind of like a joke, oh well im glad you didn’t take it seriously, that shows you really have a cool personality. hehe

oh and you may not have to wait 10 years more like 7 to 8 months. hehe
Though, I do wish like everyone else, that it doesn’t happen because damm, im lazy as fuk, lol I don’t want to run around.

on a short note, this is just me trying to warn others to keep an idea that if something does go down; they know what is going on. like you said DFresh, when it happens you’ll know what it is and what to do because you will remember about it. And anyways im just the middle guy passing on the message, I wasn’t the one who found this or anything like that. I’m just trying to spread the word and looking for other info on this.

But after all the crazy stuff going on in the world, my cousin and I are just preparing our selves one way. lol working out at home (gym), and trying to stay as fit as we can. lol that’s it. And hoping nothing happens while at work, I love my boring job, I don’t want excitement. lol