as this website says you can go to jail for dangerous driving, what would you have to do to get in there ? how bad would you have to drive ? what do you guys think ? do drifters go to jail if caught street drifting ?
ps. please dont lock this thread its just to see how much people know about the law. nothing improper/illigal and will help ppl learn more.
i know alot of people drift residential and one guy came around a corner sideways and a cop was right there. never heard what happened to him. i guess unless you hurt someone and unless there is traffic and its in the city, it probably wont be dangerous driving, probably careless, and if they are with friends, it would be racing. none of these are near as bad as dangerous where you can get into prison for up to 5 years
if theirs a cop right there and he sees you going 70+ around a corner with what looks like a car thats out of control then i wouldnt put it past teh cop to give you dangerous driving, and they would have earned it
drifting around a corner and not killing someone is usually careless if the cop is an asshole, he has to be really pissed to give you dangerous (belive me I know about the careless)
dangerous you CAN go to jail if you really do something stupid and if you have a really bad lawyer, usually they give you some sort of conditional sentance (house arrest), or suspended sentence (probation)
yeah… well none of us want to get in jail, you’d get screwed, litereally. so take it easy ppl, im not a fan of cops or anything, just be safe, dont drift left turns throuh intersections and shit like that. keep it out of sight and on the track, btw, do cops have limited slip diffs in the crown victorias or are they open diffs ?
a) crown victoria interceptors have limited slips… 3.73s i think
b) dangerous operation, as opposed to careless driving, is still a big deal regardless if the crown elects to proceed summarily or by indictment. Just because you’re not gettin 2yrs less a day doesn’t mean, imho, that it’s a slap on the wrist. Getting charged with dangerous operation doesn’t necessarily mean going to jail, especially if your charge is tried summarily. Still, losing your license for 10 years is pretty harsh. That being said, you only get charged with dangerous as an indictable if you commit vehicular manslaughter or if youre a fcukn nutbar and you hurt someone trying to run them down.
c) slow the fcuk down relax and don’t be a goddamn idiot on the steet. not only do you put yourself at risk but you put ME and my car at risk when you pull stupid sh1t in traffic.
d) As far as drifting… it depends entirely on the circumstances. You will more than likely be charged with danegerous operation, a criminal code offence, because cops like to lay as many charges as possible since they know some of them will get dropped. That being said, with a good lawyer I’d be surprised to see someone get convicted of dangerous if they were by themselves late at night in, say, an industrial park or what have you just practising sliding around. Careless is almost a given at that point, although again it’s not 100%. If someone is doing the same thing during the day in a residential area, I would think they’d get convicted and rightfully so. If you feel the need to slide but can’t afford drift practice at a sanctioned event, stay the fcuk off the roads entirely.