Darknights this summer?

Hey does anyone know anything about darknights? Is it on for this year? I was told, by a PASmag rep, that there was is no darknights this year because of they’re moving locations. Then a friend told me that he read on a forum that it is still on…Does anyone know anything at all?

I think those clowns finally got the hint that 99% of their cars are lame and disbanded or something, no?

its not on this year.

new location and a lot of new people running it.

markham cops are gay. so the venue it was at was getting owned by them


The big GTA modified car show event of this year should be the Auto Expo @ the Grand Prix of Toronto (formerly the Molson Indy).

It’s this weekend.

BOOO no darknights. dat sucks



naw naw naw BOOO no darknights!!

finally darknights stopped showcasing ricers.
