Dateline debt collectors in Buffalo

Well put and I totally agree. These banks are disgusting and they make me sick.

My mom had some debt go to collections, and I got sick of them calling her so I told them she doesn’t live here anymore (back when I lived at my moms).

5 mins. later my neighbor walks over with his portable phone. The collection agency called him!!!

Is that shit even legal?


This is why I say America is the most abundant and impressive dynasty built on IOU’s. It’s the greatest magic trick known to man…fractional reserve lending. The banks win because none of the 3 walnut shells have a pea hidden beneath it. LOL

This is also one reason why I loved Fight Club. The concept of blowing up the credit records and getting a fresh slate for all. Such a funny thought.

Below is a good article on how screwed up things are becoming for the long haul.

Can a debt collector call my employer, friends or family?

Yes, under certain limited circumstances. A debt collector may contact any person for the purpose of correcting or confirming your contact information. However, the debt collector may NOT identify himself as a debt collector or tell the person that you owe a debt. Also, the debt collector may NOT call the person more than once (unless the person asks the debt collector to call again or the debt collector reasonably believes that the person gave wrong or incomplete information but now has correct information).
Know Your Rights!

Under the FDCPA, a debt collector may NOT call a third party, such as your employer, friends or family, if:

  • he or she knows how to contact you directly
  • he or she knows that you are represented by an attorney
    A debt collector can NEVER discuss your debts with third parties.

Source :

Yea… calling neighbors is a very effective form of skip tracing…unfortunately.

What most people that aren’t IN collections (employed or owing money) don’t understand, is that MOST people that you call have not paid their bill for AT LEAST a year. No effort whatsoever to resolve it. Actual debtors are MUCH more common than innocent cases of fraud or otherwise.

Also if they call a neighbor you cant ask them to deliver a message to them and walk over there. You can only verify information.

The only way that a neighbor can take a message is if the neighbor offers to take the message.

while i understand that some people truely got the shit end of the stick with layoffs or whatever, on the whole i think the rights people are afforded to avoid paying their bills is so ridiculous.

collections companies should be able to do whatever the hell they want to get money…

ugh, you obviously didnt see the show… alot of these people that were being harassed had medical bills from chemo, or mistakes on their credit reports…

That only works if they’re in the Mafia.

I always leave messages with neighbors or relitives… something along the lines of,
“Yeah, maam, it’s imperative that John gets ahold of me, as I do have a pending legal matter with one of his accounts”

^ Never broke a law, never said he was getting arrested or anything, BUT, in this case, John signed a LEGAL BINDING CONTRACT when he took out his visa card…
Inwhich case, is a legal matter.

See how easy it is to get around the law, and still sound very intimidating!

Debt portfolios can be very specific depending on who they are purchased from. I wouldn’t have a clear conscience to go after the medical debt, but consumer credit cards are a different story.

a man with a heart:grouphug:

Pay your fucking bills and you wont get calls. Its that simple.

If someone called me and asked me to tell my neighbor to pay his dept, I’d laugh and tell them to suck me off.

  1. I’m not getting involved
  2. I’m not going out of my way to do something for a business that is making money off that. Could I sue them for lost wages? My time = money.
  3. I don’t even have a land line lol.


that’s incredibly illegal. just because your manager says it’s ok, it’s not. Indicating that it is regarding an ACCOUNT, of any nature, immediately violates the fdcpa 3rd party disclosure laws. The only way that is “legal” is because most debtors don’t know that it’s illegal.

Also, It is not a pending legal matter unless the attorney has filed the paperwork saying so, at which point they recieve an entirely different letter of notification than the Dunning notice. Unless you work directley for an attorney, then there is not any legal attribute of the account that you are calling in regards to.
If you recall from working at LHR, there are many stipulations of which any given account must meet before you can even send it to legal to even be REVIEWED by the in-house attorney. At that point, they decide whether it is a pending legal matter or not.
So the only way you are “getting around the law” is by playing your chances with the debtors ignorance to the laws.

For reference, all you are LEGALLY allowed to leave as a message, with a person, on a machine, whatever, is “hello this is John Smith calling from BLAH BLAH BLAH for Jane Doe, Please contact me at 1800-blahblah extention blah blah.”

That’s why you don’t disclose information… it’s illegal.
All I say is, i have a legal issue in my office…NO sir, he’s not in trouble with the law, BUT I DO want to get this taken care off asap so he doesn’t get any further problems with his account.
85% of the time, the neighbors are good info, and give up A TON of info, like place of employment, or if they are going through a tough time ect ect.

A pending legal matter can mean ANYTHING.
His pending legal matter, is, he signed a legal binding contract, saying that if he doesn’t pay his debt, he will incur a lot of extra $ penalties.

I haven’t worked there in a while and I miss said what I wanted to…
I don’t even tell neighbors that… I ask if they could pass the memo along, as I am bind by federal law (fdcpa) and cannot inform them of their current situation.

All the neighbor hears is: “federal law,situation” you bet your ass they will be over at John Smiths house with a post it note :slight_smile: