Dealing with an addiction..

I drink decaf.


all i did was once i got that head ache id sip on soda eventually just stopped getting them now thankgod is like ur a junkie its sorta pathetic really

I lol’ed when i walked into your work the other week and saw that massive redbull :rofl

But yeah, best thing to do is slowly ween off caffeine.


Reading that just gave me a headache, are you related to pitman?

Negged him.



only good part in that whole movie

lol no im using my phone and i fuck up.alot and im lazy with periods and shit like that srry guys ill come to class more prepared after this post

Addiction lol , noobs boot heroin and let me know how ya feel …

i drink a 12 pack of soda a day


You’re going to get fat if you are not already, ask me how I know… Last time I quit soda I lost ~40lbs in 6months no other changes besides that

i weigh 130 @ 6’2 i can use a gain lmao

That’s not even fucking healthy dude. Looks like Laduke just lost his status as the aids patient of shift. FUCK. I’m 6’3 180 and I’m retarded skinny.

sad thing is i cant gain weight, damn fast matabilism, all i do is eating and drink fatting stuff… and thats my scale weight from lastnight

Holy fuck, buch of tooth pick looking mofos ITT. Shit I’m 6’0 210.

Work out or something.


I havnt gone +/- 5 pounds for over 10 years!!!

I was a lazy “gamer” and played the SHIT out of Team Fortress 2 for LULZ every night for months. Didnt change shit.

I worked out for months, eat alot of the things I was told to, even rocked out a jug of protene shake shit. Muscle mass didnt really change but it toned up. Weight = no diff.

Doesnt matter how active or inactive I am, how much or how little I eat. Fuck if I know what is going on, but I look like I did in 8th grade!

With slightly (key word there) more facial hair at times! :rofl

6’1 246lbs and lookin like a cracked out fatass from all that caffeine :rofl

jesus you guys are all skinny,
hell im like 5’5" and 230lbs.
then again im in no way physically active.
or mentally for that matter.

fucking John :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl