Dealing with an addiction..

im 6’4 250 was in great shape now im fat

What lolol

Did any of u suck dick for soda ??? Then shut up



I have two or three cups off coffee throughout the day, and diet soda as well. Never have withdrawals or headaches and such. I took a liking to good coffee in the last 6 months. It is hands down the best source of caffeine aside from caffeine pills I would assume. Gives me TON of energy. Great before the gym.

Yeah I’m not stopping

I’ll just keep drinking it and enjoying life.

I’m the only fool that finds a way to carry coffee on a bike.

Plus at a diner when everybody else orders soda or beer I think coffee is the healthiest alternative.


My only gripe with coffee is it makes my large intestine go WOT. Ask Seitz, this morning I sent him a sound clip of myself shitting diarrhea water and gas.

YEA, I tried everything like that 2… It FU*KING sucks…

If you eat what I say, and train how I tell you to, you’ll gain weight. 100 percent guaranteed.

my leg weighs 100lbs easy and i have 2.

and funy usmc.

and to skinny guy smoke some mary jane and eat peanut butter till you cant anymore

im 6ft4 330lbs used to powerlift then dumb bitches run there suvs in me at 50mph but ill be back. on somatrophin,test-e,insulin in couple years