dear admin

Haha, Dan, this is where your n00biness shows :stuck_out_tongue:
This was the cause for argument between the people that ran the site waaaay back. Some people wanted it to be more exclusive, others wanted it to stay as a resource for the 240SX community.
The only thing I don’t like, is that so many of the older members are gone. There used to be such a wealth of experience on here, and they’ve been replaced by street racing 16 year olds. Sadly, there’s nothing any of us can do about it, because it’s not like we can show up at their door and be like “hey, post on SON again!” I do think that those that are still here should take a more active role in sharing their knowledge and experiences with the newer members, because there is a decent amount of knowledge on here, it’s just hidden behind posturing and e-thuggery.