Dear cell phone users,

sounds like you need to go back to shittyshack… :gotme: i know how you freal… sorry

go home get drunk and bang some chick

Meh, you’ll end up with some people like that no matter WHAT industry you work in. Instead of being customers, they will be co-workers.

It’s part of life.


Do you have anything to with billing? I can only imagine how many times a day you’d have to deal with people just simply denying having used as many minutes as they did, or trying to understand their plan.


I have nothing to do with it, but i have to be able to explain it. and yes, you are correct. you’d be amazed at what i have to hear.


ha I worked at Blue when I was 18, trust me we’ve both been doing this for a while I thought I could “only imagine” the kind of people I would have to deal with until I worked there. IT WAS MUCH WORSE

on a side note…Be happy your not management and have 18 people working under you, then not only do you have to deal with your own issues along with also the “let me talk to your manager” issues.


i virtually run a store by myself…


Meh, you’ll end up with some people like that no matter WHAT industry you work in. Instead of being customers, they will be co-workers.

It’s part of life.


yea, i normally dont let it get to me. im pretty mellow. but this bitch caught me off gaurd.

ahh well, i got myself an iced coffee and read the paper. im good now.

I don’t miss retail… not at all.


I don’t miss retail… not at all.


i miss you <3


I still think you should open a franchise verizon store :slight_smile:


i virtually run a store by myself…


a coorperate store?


I have nothing to do with it, but i have to be able to explain it. and yes, you are correct. you’d be amazed at what i have to hear.

i virtually run a store by myself…



a coorperate store?


Meh, you’ll end up with some people like that no matter WHAT industry you work in. Instead of being customers, they will be co-workers.

It’s part of life.




a coorperate store?


nah we are independant, but we (I) do EVERYTHING here.

evolve? i have to go through that third party insurance shit… any estimate on how long it takes… or if i could do a in store swap out?

I have to pay 50 bucks for the insurance phone i have the vx9900… know of a way i could just skip the time they would send me… i’d pay up to 100 bucks… and no i don’t have the upgrade thing going for me…


i completely agree, however i am incredibly good at my job, make good money, and have it very good where im at. I normally dont get this worked up, some people just know how to push buttons, and they enjoy doing it.

the thing is about sales, you are always gonna have those kinds of customers…


yeah yeah

i miss your old “job” haha

[quote=“Toda Party,post:32,topic:34664"”]

i miss your old “job” haha


sometimes, me too man. me too. although believe it or not, that had more stress.


evolve? i have to go through that third party insurance shit… any estimate on how long it takes… or if i could do a in store swap out?

I have to pay 50 bucks for the insurance phone i have the vx9900… know of a way i could just skip the time they would send me… i’d pay up to 100 bucks… and no i don’t have the upgrade thing going for me…


if its not water damaged, you can prolly do an in-store. otherwise call the insurance company…

Its not water damage its just slammed in the door… i was told at the one store that i have to call the insurance place, which is too long… cause i need my phone and they said that it could be deactivated til the new one gets here… i need… the phone …


Its not water damage its just slammed in the door… i was told at the one store that i have to call the insurance place, which is too long… cause i need my phone and they said that it could be deactivated til the new one gets here… i need… the phone …


I just went with a friend of mine who had an old chocolate phone into the store becuase the screen stopped working. They looked at it for 10 minutes, grabbed a new one off the shelf and gave it to her for the 50 dollar payment thing. They told her it was her fault but they might have just grabbed one off the shelf since the phone version she had wasn’t made anymore.

The only time I had to wait for a phone by calling which was when I had my PDA phone cuz a separate department in Verizon dealt with that.

[quote=“Toda Party,post:7,topic:34664"”]




the service industry sucks, its just dealing with inconsiderate assholes with an IQ of -1396823910860 all day, everyday


well, that’s dealing with anyone. try high school kids. try parents. try co-workers. i just get paid more to be a glorified secretary :tif:

thumbs up to evolve. He hooked me up with a DSL rebate.



well, that’s dealing with anyone. try high school kids. try parents. try co-workers. i just get paid more to be a glorified secretary :tif:


It’s the truth. Unless you can find a job where you have ZERO communication between any other human individuals, it is impossible to avoid dimwitted morons.


i need… the phone …


not my…fault !!!
