you cant werk overnights. only drunkards work overnight!!1!!56fd
Dear Tim Hortons,
I worked for your company for 4 years, and I barely made any money. I worked full time all through college, and you only paid me $228 a week. Do you think us college kids can live on that? Are you insane? I had to live home with my parents, and it’s all your fault. You sent me to therapy, because you took advantage of me. I now work half as hard, and make 5 times as much… how do you sleep at night, hmmm? I go to your stores, and look at all of the young people working, and I have to call my therapist because I realize that you’re doing it to them too. They are on their hands and knees cleaning, and picking up spilled coffee. They are burning their hands because of the morning rush. They go from getting donuts to handling money, and they don’t have time to wash their hands! I despise you, Mr. Coffee Man, Mr. Tim Hortons, Mr. Slave Laborer!
An Ex-Employee…
PS. See you tomorrow for lunch? I love the coffee and soups