So sad to think that guy probably trained most of his life to die just before he got to compete.
Insane how fast he was going when he hit. No way there was anything they could do (well, other than not build a bunch of giant un-padded steel posts right next to the track). Seriously… how can that be an acceptable design?
Watched the video at work…terrible…and this is not the first accident on this track. I heard that last Olympics gold medalist crashed also. I can’t imagine going 90mph and a sled.
The outcome wouldn’t have been much different if the beams were padded. The lexan would at least kept him sliding/bumping around down the course. He might have had some broken bones and contusions but probably would have survived.
I am actually sorry I saw the video… normally things like that don’t affect me to much, but damn that one got to me. The reports are saying it’s not the track, it was just the lugers error. I don’t care if it was his error or not, if something like that can happen, they need to prevent it. The lexan idea is probably the best, he would at least survived.