DeathbyRT's 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona 1387/4000.

oh wow… :lol



death youve never inserted your dick in any woman, nor have you ever touched a vagina. BTW if that was directed towards me …

he has touched some upper echelon vagina if i may say so myself.

top notch vagina toucher

this kid is just a young immature retard and not worth my time. acts like hes still in high school… is he? im a fucking old man compared to some of these kids.


Are you even 25?



i mean not like that… but i feeel like reading this shit, theres no way the kids over 18… pretty much straigh outta high school attitude… everyones been there done that, times have changed*. move on.

Ike you’re just wasting time letting him get to you. Same could be said for me with the whole shit between kevin and I. Just let it go

Well, mclaren, once again making yourself look like an idiot, again. I am 23, still very young and imature as shit and i love it. Do i care what you think? Not one bit. You look like you’ve never seen a woman naked in your life aside from on your 1997 dell PC. Maybe, if youre cool after i walk you with 4 passangers in my car with boat oar’s flying out the window and say “yes death, you beat me. I am not as awesome as you” we can take you out and find you a lady friend to ride in the hot rod with up and down RT 7 and talk about your dreams of starting an outlaw grand prix chapter for bad ass mature “men” such as yourself.

Youre continuing on in my thread, you obviously care or are trying to prove something when you say you dont. If you dislike me so much and im so annoying, then dont talk to me, post in my thread and continue to reply." move on" like you say. I dont get the big deal. Still waiting for my teeth to be knocked down my throat by you if you still plan on going that route,cowboy.

man oh man , what the shit did i miss … ha

Jordan can back up that ive had some very attractive womens.

this is truee … i seen it!

havnt been single for years my friend. have a kid , family and just bought a 250K house my self. fuck your sefl , you will never have as good a life as me you clown. top that?

I extremely doubt all of the above. To the max.

I already have done, seen, acomplished and been more places than you’ll ever be in your life. Stop trying to make up lies about how successful you are and how amazing your life is and most of all, stop talking to me because i really do not care for you and all of your bullshit.


and you drive a grand prix?