Decent wind power idea

The thing aboot WNY is the unknown factor of the great snow machine we are sitting next to.

Any idea what that homeowner used in electricity a year?

depends on the design, not really an issue on pitched roofs

Care to explain?
How much solar power do you get from a cloudy/snow filled sky?
When I looked at the solar map, WNY pretty much sucked ass.
New Mexico kicked ass.

Edit: one other thing is that the estimate I got DID NOT INCLUDE BATTERIES which are at least another $5000-$6000. If you want electricity at night, batteries are a must.

new construction, but the consumption in their old house was pretty bad.

the average US house is around 11,000 kwhr/year i believe

should be a fair amount less here due to less a/c needs

i thought you meant problems regarding snow buildup

the array will still make power on overcast days, obviously less than ideal though

grid-tie, son

remote off-grid install?

We should be pillaging other planets in 200 years to mine uranium from :whip:

I’m sure it Nukes are far from the end-all / be-all but the pros far outweigh the cons despite the slander from the hippies.

if anyone is really considering this, i recommend trying to find a demonstration project with published production data using a similar system first.

actual data > salespeoples’ bullshit

Shoot me in the face then. Explain to me how nuclear power is completely safe when a meltdown/terrorist attack can have catastrophic results?

I’m not saying we shouldn’t have it but don’t bother trying to convince me theres nothing to worry about them either.

Do you think that if some jihad motherfucker throws a grenade at a nuclear plant it blows up in a mushroom cloud like in a movie?

No it’s not completely safe, but would you rather have clean power with risk from attack or dirty power and go on attacking ourselves?

To go back to the OP, it’d be even better if the offshore wind generators could use sea currents and mine hydroelectric power from their mounts as well.

there are such things as wave farms too. But there are more people worried about manatees then those who worry about seagulls.

Now being readied 3.1 miles off the coast of Portugal, the first commercial wave farm will use the movement of the sea to generate 2.25 megawatts of electricity-enough to meet the
energy needs of more than 1,500 homes-from three 459-foot-long Pelamis Wave Energy Converters.

Grenade? No. I’m worried about the jihadis throwing thier Saifs (Arabian Swords) into all them there moving gears like in cartoons.

Again, I’m not against nuclear power but I worry about putting power plants all over the country. And again the risk you seem to think is so little could possibly be the worst disaster America has ever faced. And what about nuclear waste, you keep saying its clean but there is toxic waste to worry about.

I don’t have the numbers & data handy… but I’ll play devils advocate.

Watt for watt (produced & consumed) Nuclear is cleaner & more efficient then coal, oil, and natural gas.

The higher costs of setting up a nuclear plant can be offset pretty easily if you factor in the cleanliness (per megawatt) versus fossil fuels.

Nat Gas plants are as much of a target, although not such a catastrophic one. But, by numbers, consider how many nat gas plants can be targeted as opposed to nuclear. I would think it would be relatively cheap to double or triple security measures @ a nuclear plant as opposed to securing 100s of fossil plants.

Again just spitballing here…

Nuclear power is more safe that you think. Responding more directly to your concerns, the Nuke plants are way more secure than anyplace I’ve ever imagined. Having worked in them, I can say that they are VERY heavily guarded. I had to do a background check to get approved, which had to be done 2 months in advance. It took 2 weeks, and they used a tree system to call half of the people I’ve ever met. A 2 hour psychological exam was also part of the screening. A week long training of Nuclear power also followed.

Once inside the plant, the core building takes even more clearance and is also guarded by military with automatic rifles at EVERY doorway. The core has > 6 ft reinforced concrete shell, and a steel plate barrier. There are metal military bunkers/protection shields near every doorway and manned sniper towers throughout the facility. One of the projects involved a co-worker and I working around the clock. There was an armed guard watching us the entire time. It was also explained that the laws work differently inside a Nuke facility. If you are deemed a threat, or harmful they don’t screw around. This is normal practice for Nuclear facilities. Everything they do is regulated and communicated between facilities.

When you are approved to work in a Nuclear plant, you are assigned a personal Geiger counter, that is worn as a necklace. They monitor daily doses, and the national board keeps track of your lifetime dosage. Every time I work in a plant the reading from my device gets recorded. While working in the core building, I never received or encountered radiation.

The only downside that is minimal in my opinion is getting rid of Nuclear waste. Although it sucks, it’s still better than emissions released by fossil plant.

Nuclear power FTW

People that are concerned with terrorist attacks watch too many movies where 2 guys in a jeep blow up an entire city.

Not to be taken as an debate point, but people against nuclear power should watch Penn & Tellers BS on Nuclear Power. You are likely the byproduct of biased media, why not see the other side?

My only concern with Yucca is that it is a centralized point. Meaning that there are only so many ways in & out.

You know how most auto accidents happen within a mile of the home address…

Great stuff. I especially like the “laws working differently” in NPPs. :wink: