How does anyone know real true love, as you say? Do homosexuals not love as the man who returns home from a hard days work only to be incessantly nagged by his shrew? Surely love is to be defined by those engaged in it. If they so wish to be as miserable as the rest of us, so be it.
I do not disagree that many homosexuals are born “gay” as you phrased it. However I would consider this characteristic akin to mental deformity or defect. Many homosexuals transform that way later in life to seemingly celebrate the birth homos’ misfortune and disability.
It is this general tendency toward perversion that led many in the past to refer to homosexuals as gays, poofs, queers, Nancy boys, fanny bandits, faggots, butt pirates, Bennyfizzles, etc. But it is in this transition from hostility to acceptance that Socrates’s Five Forms was redefined as earlier described.