Deep dish. Let's see yours!

LOL fiddy the caravan actually looks good with your wheels on it. You should totally sell the skyline and just build the caravan… tooo sick.

And yea… skyline not flush… got some SERIOUS mexican poke going on there… but hey, i’d say we’ve all been there at some point and time. I know the 2nd pic i posted is also rocking some dirty mexican poke. It’s all just for fun i’m sure.

needs repolishing and might change white for bronze but here goes…


The rims are ok but the rear looks like ass. A nice widebody will take of that. Now jlee’s car is pure sex on wheels.

^^ exactly

LOL guys… he was joking… he put those on as a joke. and as a result… i think cracked his flare. but yea… it’s all fun and games. More dish… i’m seeing alot of lip… only few dish…


…you guys remember goin to pizza pizza at bings, harrassing the waiter about lip size and offset of the pan, haha good times lol (the ppl that were with me)

like i care what sonlings think is cool haha. fuck that i had 355 on my car. and 18x10s on my caravan!

OH NO!!! ITS NOT FLUSH OMG FAIL FAIL<— (*) congrats you impressed all your zilva friends

whatever i like my car like i like my girls BIG BOOTY!!! YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAA FF to 1:24

^I heart you Fiddy…

The things I’d do to that girls ass are illegal in 5 provinces and 37 states…

wow you fail… I said it looked RETARTED… GO TOO MEXICO AND BE COOL

alright c’mon ppl this is a thread about DISH not about fitment or anything else. JUST DISH. so c’mon!!!


My dish is pretty weak…
Until I get new barrels… :smiley:
I’ll be adding 1.5" to the fronts and 3" to the rears :smiley:

i miss this car, for those who dont know oil pump went fuct the motor and i parted it out

i miss the wheels


last year or the year before

sold half of it to ‘team <DA>’ recently

Dont worry, they are in a better place.

go lowerrrr

Anyone have any other leads on companies that make custom barrels?

CCW only makes them for their own wheels. (They e-mailed me this morning)
Kodiak no longer offer their custom barrel service.

Any other ideas?
Sorry for the thread jack.

It ain’t no thread jack…you want more dish…your gonna get more dish!!!

I <3 dish… :smiley: as much as I <3 bewbies…

try a company that refinishes wheels. they could have a stock of extra barrels to redrill.