Deez Nutz

Be mad big!!

Don’t think Fastenal stocks these… Heheh

haha damnnnn

Wow! That’s nuts!

What the hell would you need those for???

Are those for one of those huge diesel engines or something?

If I had to guess… I would say they either belong on huge vehicles like ships or something or used for major construction.

doubt it, maybe a bridge?? i have no clue

Sully , you are retarded

yup… I would say a bridge falls under major construction.

Castle head nuts for something like:


i opened this expecting my text to kramers mom being posted up here lolololol

Castellated nuts would not be used in that application. The ‘gaps’ in the nuts are for the installation of a locking device. Typically a cotter pin, but probably a bolt with a nut that large.

Great point, although I did not post the actual machine that was actually being worked on as our customer may not want pics of their shell on the interwebbzzz.

The attached was to give an idea of the power generation equipment the nuts are used on.

lol at thread title and slowmarrrrros response

When i worked at GE I hung out with some of the shop floor guys. Some of the BIG turbines have bolts that booms and winches have to lift to put in place. Some wicked machine work goes into those things, and they are HUGE. My grandfather worked there most of his life too. He told me about some crazy accidents too back in the day. They spin test the turbines, and one time a blade failed, and flew off, went throught a steel I beam like butter, blew throught the concrete wall, and imbedded it into a car parked in the parking lot a few hundred feet away. Now they dig big holes in the ground inside the building and they test them in there. He even told me of pieces breaking off or exploding and killing people he worked with, and 30 years later he told me right where to look, and you can see the chunks of concrete and steel missing in the building.

Yes, 3600 RPM shaft speed and low pressure blades that can easily weigh over 100 lbs = MAD centrifugal loading.

The “holes in the ground” are called bunkers… Lot of overspeed testing equipment is in the ground for the reasons you mentioned hehehe

Yessssir. You work(ed) there too? Some cool ass shit gets done in those buildings.

No I work for another company, power generation field though.