Delaware Rd (truth or not)

sounds good, i’ll see what going on and I’ll let ya know , oh yeah and i got a tripod, for siqqqqq pics

lol same here. but you don’t need a tripod with that camera

Image Stabilizer lets you run and shoot pics without them being blurry
it adjusts for camera shake and corrects it
its a smart camera

Id be in if you need a few extras

I <3 urban exploring and I <3 Delaware Woodz

Seems like fun

sweet, there’ll be a thread up probably mid week

word…NYspeed UE’ing meet FTW lol

I was just gonna call you, let organize it for next sat

UE Meet thread is up

remember when DrDos start wny ue :gotme:

funtimes I suppose :gotme:

reunion Tour ? it’ll be fun

Theres alot of rumors going on about that road.

The haunted rumor states that a little girl and her father(?) died on delaware so at a certain time in the night you can see them on the side of the road holding a lantern. I think it has to be more towards early morning or something before the sun comes up.

The second rumor that I’ve heard states that the bar on the corner is run by the KKK. I heard that one along time ago though so not totally sure if its true.

Heres the rumor from shadowlands:
Clarence - Delaware Rd - in the early morning hours of spring and fall driving down this old carriage road you can feel a presence of old world culture. If on the right night one can make out a man standing roadside holding a lantern, and two feet on the right or left you can see a young girl waiting with the man for something. Warning: Rumors of a kid beaten pretty badly, please do not stop, it may not be safe.

lol, “please do not stop” as where calmly strolling through the woods at midnight, awsome

I’m down to go UE’ing.

theres a thread in WNY meets

I also would be down. I’ve been wanting to check some of these places out since that thread a few month back. I just moved off transit near clarence. Let me know.

damn straight, let post in the meet therad, cause come friday i’m not gonna know who to contact. thanks


take guns zombies like brains


i prefer a lead pipe! or for that matter a propane tank that i can shoot and explode…o wait this is not dead rising sorry nevermind.:lolham:

some dude we met last night had a unloaded BB gun…yeah i felt safe, lol


some dude we met last night had a unloaded BB gun…yeah i felt safe, lol


WTF are u going to do with a BB gun let alone an unloaded one? :cjerk:, probably. got to pack fire power :shoot:!

there will plenty of us there to handle anything that comes our way.
All it takes is 1 fuckin n00b who thinks it’s just like cs to fuck up miss and shoot someone else


X2 thats fucking stupid, these kids where kida drunk and it wasnt loaded or did anyone have any ammo, plus it was a bb gun, great right ? thats why i wanna get alot of people, no wepons though.