Dell Laptop Power Port fix- anyone?

So my sister didn’t listen to me on getting the extended warranty on her laptop, and the charge port has finally gone from having to wiggle the AC adapter plug in the back of the computer to not charging at all-typical laptop problem. Looks like you can buy the power port, but it needs to be soldered and such. Anyone out there can do the fix without buying a mobo for this thing?

Ah yes, mine is starting to have the same problem. Kinda curious if you find a fix.

I have the know-how to solder them. I HATE taking apart laptops though, and I do not have a magnifying glass or proper soldering iron.

Don’t solder it yourself thats a terrible idea. Its awfully easy to fuck it up.

try that place, I’ve gone through them, have a pretty good turn around time and relatively cheap prices

you need a small solder head and special solder to do it, and you also need to disassemble the entire laptop to re-solder the connections as well as have a de-solder tool to heat and suck up the old solder.

Radio shacks warehouse by niagara falls blvd and maple has the parts and they’re less than $10.

soldering is easy if you know what you are doing. If you use too big of an iron you can lift the solder points, but even that is fixable.

hmm 139 from AQS with 1-3 day turnaround, probably worth it unless someone legit can beat that…

i’ve had good luck soldering them myself. have done 3 so far, couldn’t do one cuz his motherboard was just fried in that area. what kind of laptops do you guys need fixed? my only worry is scratching the cases while taking them apart. but i can do it for less than 139. pm me w/ the model laptop and the problem(wiggling, burning smell, etc…)

if its a Dell… they are a joke to tear apart. you could have access to it in 20 min. I wouldn’t worry about the scratching of the case its pretty straightforward

i also have one that needs the same thing done, maybe you can pm me and we can meet up and you can do the job for a fee?

I took mine apart… it was not horrible. Keep track of where screws go

The power port sits on a separate mini-board… not on the main MB so its easier to get to and easier to work on.

I took my Inspiron 6000 apart far enough to replace the LCD. I wasn’t to the power port, but I wasn’t that many screws away either. I really doubt it would be that hard to do yourself. Just pick up a real fine tip for your soldering iron and one of those $3 solder sucker bulbs.

you can use a solder braid as well. Also, be careful with the power level of the soldering iron, even with a small tip you can lift solder points with too powerful of a tool.

When I used to solder on DSS receivers for the no ZKT mod I went ghetto and just attached a real thin nail to the end of my pen style soldering iron by wrapping it with some copper wire. I got enough heat transfer into the nail that I could solder tiny things easily as long as I gave it a little longer to warm up.

The tips are cheap enough, I was just lazy and didn’t feel like driving to Radio Shack.

wow, now that is ghetto