Delta Sonic Carpet Cleaning Sucks

I just got my slightly used pimp Equinox for a company car. It’s pretty obvious to me that the old rep didn’t clean it once and the carpets were filthy. The truck has grey carpeting and the mats are almost brown. So my boss told me to take it somewhere to get it cleaned up. The only place I could think of is Delta, so I brought it there.

After everything is said and done to get the carpet, mats, and seats cleaned, plus a super kiss wash… the total comes to just under $60. No big deal, it doesn’t cost me anything, so I give her the card. After about 30 minutes I get the car back and the kid lets me look over the car and everything looks good from where I was standing, except for the drivers floor mat which was still brown, but I wasn’t expecting too much from that. They put plastic on the seats because they were soaked. So I go over to the pumps to get some gas. I get back in the car and look into the little plastic tray that sits between the two front seats and it’s full of water, just sloshing around in there. Now I pull it back over to the kid and mention it to him… “oh I’m sorry, let me get that for you.” Now I’m thinking if there’s that much water in that tray, how much could be in the seats and the carpets?

Well it’s now about 36 hours later and the carpets are still soaking wet, I mean if I put my hand on the floor and press, my hand is wet, like I can shake off the water wet, not just damp. The seats are also still wet.

I’m going to have to go out there tomorrow and try to shopvac up what I can before it starts to get moldy in there. I’m so pissed… anyone work there before, if I call and complain about it tomorrow, will they tell me to go pound salt or will they do something?

I bet they’d refund your money.

what did they do, just hose down the interior? lol That sucks. Good thing it wasn’t YOUR car.

I worked at delta like years back. First off, you can’t polish a turd. So if it was in that bad of shape tough shit. Secondly, there is a good chance they will do something about it. Just be polite and very professional about your complaints rather than being a raving lunatic and I’ll almost guarentee you they will do something cool for you. Be sure to be very polite and ask to speak to the manager (or whatever higher being may be there) and continue to be super nice to that person when expressing your concern.

i work there now.i’m actually a cashier but have done carpet shampoos…which one did you go to? carpet shampoos can only remove so many stains. they remove “light to medium” stains. can’t get out red shit apparently and you spend $22.99 for the service which half the time is garbage depending on the person. the fact that your shit was sopping wet sucks, that shouldn’t be like that. and if you do go there and say you weren’t happy with your service they will refund your money. most likely all of it, but be that guy and say you only want your money back for the interior service.

Just go there tell them that it’s too wet, don’t be an ass to them and they’ll prob take the car for a few hours and get some fans in there and dry it out. They’ll take care of you.

Some guys are good at doing shampoos and others soak everything down. Though I’ve seen customers get upset at good shampoo’s before. It’s gonna be wet, kinda sucks, but its’ the only way to actually get some of the stains out.

Yeah, just be polite about it, explain that its soaking wet and you dont want to point fingers at the people who originally did the work. When a manager sees that you are not trying to get someone in trouble, that always helps. My only problem I ever had with Delta Sonic was the one in NF, before i even paid for a wash on truck when i first lowered it some 3 years ago now, the kid took a tape measure and checked the clearence and said it would be ok, so i go up to the track for the wash, it got stuck. I start to back up and then all of the sudden 3 people come over and start pushing my truck. As im yelling at them to stop since its loud with all the equipment running and slammed on the brakes, im now already dragging through the wash. I complained, well more or less argued with the manager since he thought i was full of shit. I get a letter in the mail with an apology from the corp. office, even more of an insult they send a free wash coupon, so i called and complained about that and the person at the office hung up on me. I tried to be polite but got nowhere with that. Good luck when you go back.

this just in: equinox’s arent pimp!

Yes but, free Equinox’s with a company paid gas card > having to put miles on your own car and paying for your own gas!!

First off… selective reading pwnz you. I said I wasn’t expecting much out of that dingy floor mat. My main concern was about the sopping wet carpet, which I might add, is still wet today.

Pimp to me is a halfway decent car. I was more or less joking around when I said it, but a fully loaded SUV which I didn’t have to pay for is pretty sweet.

But thaks for being on top of which cars are pimp and which aren’t. If I get a different car, I’ll be sure to PM you and ask for your approval first.

It was the one on Transit Rd.

I don’t even think I’m going to go over there now. I was thinking of doing it, but I’ll wait till it fully dries out and see if there’s an odor or anything, if there isn’t, then I can live with it.

[font=Verdana]I don’t want to get the kid in trouble either, although it looked like he firehosed the interior, I’m sure he was trying to do it right. Just take it as a warning that if you get the carpets shampoo’d… you might be able to stock fish in your carpet when they’re done [/font]

It was the one on Transit Rd.

I don’t even think I’m going to go over there now. I was thinking of doing it, but I’ll wait till it fully dries out and see if there’s an odor or anything, if there isn’t, then I can live with it.

I don’t want to get the kid in trouble either, although it looked like he firehosed the interior, I’m sure he was trying to do it right. Just take it as a warning that if you get the carpets shampoo’d… you might be able to stock fish in your carpet when they’re done :wink:

all the reasons i take my trucks (for anything i dont want to do myself) to my cousin’s shop, Sparkle Car Wash and Detail, its on Delaware Rd in Tonawanda, right at the 290

just get some tide with color safe bleach…as hot of water as ur hands can stand and a shop vac…the only good delta is for is salt…they get salt out like champs if done right because of the boiling hot thermax machines they use…i used to work there and Andy is right if its super nasty it aint comming clean…the carpets take anywhere from 24-48hrs to dry thats y they should have told u to keep ur windows open in a garage if possible or crack them all open and let sit in sun light…or just sit anywhere and they will dry…as far as the water in the cup holder…u should have went right back after u noticed when u pumped gas…but go back politely tell them u werent happy and they will refund u and give u free carwash coupons

let it run for an hour or so with the defroster on and the fan at the highest speed, that should help remove the moisture

Wow, you really DID work for Delta Sonic.


yes our thermaxs are boiling hot. the one hose leaks and always removes the top layer of my index finger. not cool.

the reason that there was water in the ash tray is probaly because it was dirty and someone meant to clean it out.

bring it to the Blvd. location. we don’t eff around too much.

that one is teh suck.

LOL…now that’s just a lie :stuck_out_tongue:

We had fun but good work was only done…MY VACUUM IS BROKEN

fyi… I’ve found that a mix of water and paint thinner (depending on the stain, anywhere .25-/.5:1 mix will take out just about ANY stain (just be sure to rinse it with water real good after).try it on a not very noticable area first. Used to detail cars on the side a few years ago and it’s never let me down :slight_smile:

thats why I dont take my cars places to get stuff like that done… a few hours in your driveway and you’ll get better results, and not have to worry about that kind of BS.