Discuss. They are hoping to start construction within 30 days. It will extend the canal into the Aud block and make for 4 season of activities. Ice skating in the winter, shopping, fishing, and boating in the summer.
It seems their plans are relying heavily on investors. Is that a good thing?
I’m personally ecstatic about it. I think it would be awesome to go down there and ice skate, have a cup of coffee and head to a Sabres game. I would ride my bike down there in the summer now that I live closer to the city.
No, I’m pretty sure they have already promised that renovation. I think by investors they are looking for store owners and companys that want to invest into the area for their shops.
pretty sure the only thing thats starting in 30 days is the 18" deep (booooo) “canal” and the infastructure (cobblestone streets / utilities) to support future new builds
I think we will be waiting a while to see anything close to that rendering
that being said, I rode my bike down there a bunch last summer, theres already a ton of bike paths and places to ride