Did I mention We Build Honda's Too?

LOL dude, I just talked to my roomate who welds for a living, that manifold is going to fall apart. good luck. The weld is un-uniform, blobby, not thought over, and not done by anyone who remotely knows what they are doing. Check them over before you cause yourself more headaches down the way for your business)

^so what you are saying Dave is that since your friend tells you something it must be right? We have one manifold out right now producing 440hp on an RB25 20,000km no issues and another one on a H22 at 340hp no issues with 50,000km. As I said before you are looking at a weld for show not the structual weld. Yes the welds are not as pretty as someone who does it on an hourly basis but they do hold and work. I have seen alot worse.

Anyways if you want to talk about welding then start a thread maybe use some pics of your General Wiring Mayhem in your Tacoma and the air ride set-up.

I don’t get why you guys are really arguing maybe I should stay out of it. I see nothing wrong with the welding, it looks operational to me. But hey I’m not expert.

It’s either you’re really rich, or really stupid.

EVERYONE knows about CAA.

$90 could have gotten you FIVE 200km tows per year.

yeah not if your car is missing shit and didnt jsut break down.
and in my case i my car didnt jsut break down and it was missing shit.
and they did check.

anything else smart guy

Not sure what you meant, but you can always say that it won’t start and you need a tow… .just remove the fuse for the fuel pump if anything.

You should write that down, you might need it for next time.

^^ If the car has no motor or other things required to be in/on the vehicle at the time, they won’t tow it.

They check when they get there as well and put notes on your file iirc.

I got my car towed by CAA with no motor.

ur also a chinaman.
go rub and tug and stfu

looks like good rod ends on those traction bars… what kind are they? you fab them inhouse?

Lovin it. That exhaust looks great out back along with everything else. I could not imagine what it must feel like driving a 450whp fwd car though. Any insight?

Im a rear wheel guy, but i have to test drive the cars before we give them back. so i had to drive it. its almost out of control. i mean how can you steer when you get wheel spin all the way to top of fourht gear. you doing like 150+ k and the car is all over the place. it will be mint in the quater with some good sticky slicks. I would gusse a mid to low 11 sec, if not faster. but thats just my guesse


That looks like one serious tire smoker you guys are building there… nicely done.

thanks for the comments guys. Im glad you like it.

Builds sick, this car should hit high 10’s in the 1/4 if he is pushing the target of 450hp!!