Did Sunoco Drop 94 Octane?

I was there last week and saw that the old premium which used to be 93 is now 91. And the super or whatever the top one is, that used to be 94, is now 93. The prices seemed to be the same as before, despite the octane drop.

Did anyone else notice this? Is it just my local Dunkin Donuts Sunoco in Murrysville?

i filled my ws6 up with 93 at sunoco yesterday…in bridgeville

They dropped 94 a coupel of months ago, all the ones I’ve been to show 87, 89, 91 and 93.

the one by my house that i just got gas at like 3 days ago said 93 cause that is what i run in the si

this has been the case for months… they dropped 94 and some are offering 91

yup 91 and 93 here in BV

im with him… and there was a thread about this along time ago… and im guessing you meant to put 94 oct. on the threat title. :nuts:

There’s only 87 and 94. Everything else is blended at the pump.

when i worked for haddads they had 3 different tanks… 87-89-93

it was all blended before it was delivered… i know 89 is a blend of 93-87 but it was blended before it got to us

Yeah, my mistake.

What I meant to say was, did they drop 94, and charge the old 94 price for 93, and the old 93 price for 91?

Seems like a rip to me. I may go back to Sheetz.

There’s a sunoco in butler that has at 93 at $3.59/gal. for a while… wtf is up with that?

i fixed the title,dam kids!:smiley: