Did you overnight your parts from Japan?

They might take longer to get here…


good old big brother stepping in and setting limits on EVERY aspect of our lives.

yup, this is going to fuck me.


i cant get my collection of used girls’ underwear now.

Good thing the Skyline is getting picked up tomorrow! lol


this is gonna make those last minute mods before race warz next to impossible.

Fuck… now I’m never getting my car out of that tokyo parking garage… damn back drop wannabe actress…


What in the fuck are you upset about? You drive an A6.

for now…(but SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!) plus, when i buy stuff, i dont wanna have to get 12 different tiny boxes and overpay for shipping.

Yeah just so you know… I don’t think you’d be air mailing any parts from Japan to begin with. The cost of such activity would be absurd

Yeah now I’m gonna have to go there in person and buy reAl performance pieces like lychee air fresheners and grape menthos…

Oh wait I do that already

speaking of, i need more mentos. like LOTS more. and i keep wondering about that new cucumber pepsi.
sorry for O/T

I really hope they wont hold stuff at customs for ages. if they started to do this with a small portion of things mailed around they might just slow everything to a crawl.

Would it be weird, if I asked you to pick up some legit Taraka Transformers? :lol

Ryan, stop suggesting things. im going to want him to bring me 400 pounds of shit. lets just go to jdm-land and ship shit back :smiley:

No shit, perfect timing. Good luck on the owner getting needed parts in a hurry. I bet RHDJ is going to shit a brick or two about this! :eek3

this is retarded. :frowning: