didn't even need nail polish.....


what are we looking at?

three black nails and one broken finger.

I hope my shit didnt have anything to do with this.

oo lol. I thought we were looking at the background pic or something haha

Since I don’t turn wrenches, I guess I slammed it in a door or something

Nah…that will be a strained back from pushing it off a cliff.:ninja

Let me at least soak it in gasoline first.

Nice…my three checked belt tension to the power steering pulley…good times…and don’t ask how cause I’m still not sure.


Yikes! Mine came when I was fabbing a bracket for my oil cooler, in a rush as usual, didnt use a vice to hold the bracket as I drilled it…BAM! First time I’ve ever had a fingernail do that, guess it’s gonna be like that for quite awhile

:rofl. Thats a good one. I bet the noise and words you said were great.

It’s amazing how quick they make it through at 800 rpm:retardclap

Feel lucky you didn’t lose them :wow I heard the horror stories of other not so fortunate.

Sweet, here’s a pic my buddy sent me yesterday after he mis-fielded a softball the other day:

ah the old dislocated joint…wonder if he says “pull my finger” to the doc.

that pic just made me get goose bumps ^

Had something similar happen a few years ago, i was making sure my lower timing cover wasnt rubbing (with the car running, seemed like a good idea at the time to listen for the rubbing sound :lol)

One slip of the hand and my hand went through a ride around the crank pulley. Needless to say aside from a few cuts, a badly bruised couple of fingers it wasnt to bad… is amazing how quick it happens though

paging Wayne
