Oh cool, you're custom fabbing a ProCharger into your E36. Nice fabric-OH WTF BLAAAH



jesus christ

…and he gets working on it again 6 days later with a custom glove!!! :rofl

omg :rofl that sucks literally!

for better or worse i would not have handled that anywhere near as nonchalant as that dude

The picture he posted after the incident from what was found in the intercooler was fucking disgusting.


I thought to myself “wtf? he had tape on his fingers----oh. that’s fucking skin.”

and then I passed out.

What a fucking animal! Who the FUCK puts their hands near a moving impeller though??

Yeah, the twisty-orange-peel-looking bits of skin were a special touch.

I was thking this exactly. Dude learned his lesson for sure

I like the part where he used the trojans with spermicidal lubricant for his fingers.

Going that extra mile for safety :rofl

That guy is badass. Props to him for getting back to the grind that quick.

As far as the incident itself, nobody is perfect and people slip up once in a while and shit like that happens.

humm, not the best thread to read while eating lunch, but didn’t stop me from eating lol.

Thats ok I read it, double checked the pictures because I couldn’t believe what I saw, then proceeded to clock out for lunch at work LOL. Leftover stir-fry doesn’t resemble fingers and skin fortunately!

It does if it’s chicken or pork and bok choy, apparently.

Oh man we need Vince Shlomi to make a new commercial, called the Spin Chop

-Adam h

How do you do that . I mean wouldnt you think not to put your hands in there lol.

I was watching a top fuel race a few weeks ago, the summer nationals. John Force’s funny car after the burn out they raise the hood the one crew guy’s wrench slipped and he hit his hand into the drive belt on the super charger and it ricochet’d his hand away in a split second and he winched back in pain and got attended to, apparently it caught his thumb and ripped it almost off!

in the video it looked like he was lucky and hit the side on the blower that the belt was going down, if he got it caught on the up stroke, it would have sucked his finger in and around the top pulley and yanked it clear off and probably broke his hand and arm as it would have basically twisted it 180 degrees! I cant believe they dont have guards on them. there are 2 or 3 crew members inches away from that! and keep in mind it takes something like 400hp to just spin the fucking blower, so that belt is gotta be fucking tight!

most definitely, but if you have any intention on sticking your digits around the opening of an impeller, you’re best bet is to shut the damn thing down prior. But accidents still happen.

I almost lost a hand/fingers working on a customers Porsche 965 at the shop years ago. Bonnet was up, car running, and I tripped on tools on the floor walking towards the motor. Stuck my hands out to catch myself and lefty missed and damn near went right into the engine driven cooling fan on the motor. I was only 17-18 at the time too. Got lucky.

That guy right there:

Made me feel waaaaay better about my “shitty” day.

Darwin Award nominee.

change that 4 to a 9. top fuel engines use 14-71 series blowers. somewhere between 800-1000hp required from an NA engine.

a 8 or 10-71 that alot of BBC guys run use up like 450-600hp themselves.