Diet and workout help...

r u really going to make me do it??? ok fine fine!!!

5:30 - 3 eggs, 1 apple (eggs are saturated fats and he is eating them with a natural sugar hence spiking his insulin.huge no no unless trying to gain weight)
6:30 - workout
7:45 - 2 scoops protein (right after workout) (u need a fast acting sugar here like a dextrose or maltodextrin or else the protein is almost useless)
10:00 - protein bar (protein should always be eaten with a fat or a carb)
noon - whatever is around (subway, etc) this meal needs to be cleaned up… (do i really have to say anything about this one?)
3:00 - apple (again with the sugars. the only time u need an apple or a fruit is pre workout)
6:00 - varies - yesterday was 2-cans of tuna, mayo, and 5 pieces of bread (meyo and bread = no no)
10:00 - 1 scoop protein (again with the eating protein and no fats or carbs)