Digression from PRP post.

parents that spoil their children and shield them from reality are doing them no help at all. When/If i ever have kids, I will NOT treat them like “kids”, once they reach the age where interaction is the norm. They ask questions, I will be straight with them instead of making up some sort of stupid bullshit. My parents were with me. Did it get me into some trouble when I was younger? yeah, maybe. My first grade teacher didn’t take it to well when I stood up in the middle of class and asked which girl wanted to give me a blowjob. But on the other side of that equation, there’s a girl I grew up next to who had SUPER CHRISTIAN parents that totally kept her in the dark. So help me god she didn’t know what a blowjob/handjob/69 was at the age of 17. Didn’t even know people did that shit. Now she’s 23 and does shit that would make Dick Starbucks blush, has horrible issues with men, etc…