Digression from PRP post.


I will slap my kid if they don’t say thank you when someone gives them something, and other parents get mad at me for nitpicking at my kids. :nuts:

a simple thank you goes a long way

thank you for being a huge faggot, consistently and eternally.

Your welcome goes a long way too.

who are you talking to?

this topic is what pisses me off most about the entire car scene. 18 years olds who get an evo for their grad gift and they think they’re badasses. or people that invest $30k into their car but never wrenched on it themselves. if you have a job that pays enough for that luxury, more power to you, but rich bitches from upper st clair, murrysville, fox chapel, wherever, shut your fucking mouth about your car because you don’t know the difference between a 4g63 and a 4g civic. the day my car is done and i race one of these kids who don’t recognize an intercooler or the sound of a bov, i’ll probably die of happiness as i see their cockiness fade along with their headlights.

that to me i assume??? :gaysex:

this thread is


My 2 yr old says ‘thank you’ & ‘welcome’ all the time (all the time being the proper times to say it - at 2 yrs that is pretty impressive). He is so polite. Again, It’s how you raise them (plus the daycare he is in teaches him alot, too). It is more than just the parents, it is everyone around them from a child’s impressionable years, up to about 21 or so.

that was so poetic. can I fuck your anus?

yeah that was pretty gay. there’s a lot of people that get those cars and know a shitload too

If I didnt build my car from the ground up, putting all my free time and every cent into building it…
I would take more chances and drive like a wreckless ass clown,

at least the F/C (I graduated from fox chapel) kid brings his car to the track.

when I think of spoiled kids the 1st that comes to mind is NICK Hogan, and his drifting hobby.

my parents paid for my mustang. but any go fast shit put into it was all paid for by myself. and most of the labor too whether it was getting help or doing it myself…

like it was said earlier, its all about how the parents bring you up. not if you’re spoiled. you teach the kid to respect and appreciate what you do for him/her and they grow up fine.

I actually agree with you on this. I also have a few really wealthy friends who could just have everything handed to them, and some things are given to them, but they are by far the hardest working friends I have. It depends on how kids are raised IMHO. Myself, I work for everything I own, my parents are there for me if I need a few bux here and there for gas and what not, and now and again my mom will come home with some clothes from the mall for me, but for the most part I know the value of a dollar, and the problem with most kids nowadays is they dont. And its gonna be a rude awakening for them once reality sets in.

parents that spoil their children and shield them from reality are doing them no help at all. When/If i ever have kids, I will NOT treat them like “kids”, once they reach the age where interaction is the norm. They ask questions, I will be straight with them instead of making up some sort of stupid bullshit. My parents were with me. Did it get me into some trouble when I was younger? yeah, maybe. My first grade teacher didn’t take it to well when I stood up in the middle of class and asked which girl wanted to give me a blowjob. But on the other side of that equation, there’s a girl I grew up next to who had SUPER CHRISTIAN parents that totally kept her in the dark. So help me god she didn’t know what a blowjob/handjob/69 was at the age of 17. Didn’t even know people did that shit. Now she’s 23 and does shit that would make Dick Starbucks blush, has horrible issues with men, etc…


perhaPs i shall get a delicious haMburger for dinner later tonight.

lol subtle :wackit:

yeah Darkstar has it right

Yes, but it’s not an absolute rule. There are kids that have had it easy that still turn out alright. I think it has more to do with the parenting. My best friend down here in OC grew up with a dad that owns a very successful small business. He has a million dollar yacht, fairly nice house, nice stuff, but he is BY FAR the hardest working, honest, appreciative person I’ve ever met.

It’s not about the money. It’s about the parenting. And the parenting of the kids that your kid hangs out with

But yes for those that are well off to begin with and turn into pricks i kinda feel bad for them. They can never appreciate things the way the harder working ppl do. Earning things in life just gives you more satisfaction than anything else.

my best friend up in PA is the son of multi-billionaires. he is 23 and has millions himself from his own ventures. He lives fairly modestly (as does the rest of his family. scary modestly actually…). But you are 100% correct on this. for him, financial stability and success in life has been pretty much guaranteed from birth. I can only wonder what the burden of never having something out of your reach must be like. I know that might sound funny, but from watching him I can see that theres some truth to it.