Dimple dies

Excuse me i don’t know what i was thinking about, A2 hardened to RC60-62.

Thanks for pointing out my error.

Of course you could, but it didn’t look like he knew anyone with a lathe…

i have a guy who dose this kind of work pm me for the number.

For fun I drew something up… Not hard to make. If anyone else wants something like this done just let me know what size pilot hole you want to work with and the approximate angle of the hole…

Cross section picture.

use solid works?

Thats for offer, if I don’t find any I’ll give you a shout.


Yes I always use Solidworks, very seldom will I use AUtoCAD or Drawing Editor unless it’s for electrical diagrams.

Yeah I gotta sit down and work thro the tutorials and learn solidworks. I’m good with autocad, but solid works makes 3D drawings ton easier. Good for running static stress analysis etc as well.


Yeah Cosmos works pretty good, but I find myself using it less and less. Really in machine design for the most part we just overbuild. Unless your working on something where your trying to keep the weight down or increase the strength like in stampings or final assemblies, FEA or quasi FEA as this is, is usually unnecessary.

But Solidworks does make it easy to create and edit 3D models and assemblies. It’s surface model capabilities have also vastly improved over the last two releases.

Catia > all

You think so? I never really liked Catia, though I’ll admist it’s been almost four years since I’ve used it. I imagine the interface has improved since then. Rather, I prefered UG over Catia from a product design standpoint.

For machinery design though I like / always use Solidworks

I’m biased b/c I use it more than SolidWorks, so I know how to do stuff in it better, and I see it as more user friendly b/c of it. It has everything already in it, including FEM, both static and frequency analysis. It pretty much has everything I need in one relatively easy to use, although overly CPU intensive package :smiley:

Haven’t used Catia, UG and Solidworks is what I use…

UG is typically better for FEA because of it’s huge material library right out of the box…

2006’s FEA in Cosmosworks (Not cosmosexpress) is pretty good…

But most of the time all you’re looking for is the FOS and then how to reduce weight without dropping the FOS below 1…

I like playing with it, most everything I build, has a 3D counterpart built in Solidworks…

Helps for material management and optimization…

ProEngineer owns all.

just build in proE, export IGS import in solidworks and create your toolpath and rip it off.

Works great.

It’s not always the easy with some more indepth parts that use more then basic cut and extrude features.

Sweeps and smooths translate like garbage from IGEs into sldprt.

More often then not if the part is relatively easy, you just rebuild it in the appropriate program.

I had to do it with a wing designed by a Queens 4th year…

How good are these other progs at making… compound stuff? Like when I have a bunch of parts being put together to make something. Cuz I really like Catia for that, you can do all the tolerances and stuff like that, and you can more linkages around, etc…
That’s what I was thinking of using to model our suspensions for the crazy hacks that Andrew wants to do to it.

For anyone who’s interested, I ordered a 1" dimple die from company in the states.
www.trick-tools.com. They had it to me in 5 days, cost about 65us+18us shipping. Not too bad, its made of hardened tool steel and can be used with steel up to 125 thou thickness.

