DIPS Grip Track days

I’m in for your track days Dippy…along with a few other RX7s… I’ll even fix my exhaust so I can make the TMP event, got to love that little track…

haha that’s no fun Jim, i rather liked the demeanor of the track lady after you peeled down pit lane.

ya jimmy, if you make your car a bit louder, that lady wont be able to hear anything after the next sound test.
if you make her deaf, everyone will pass!

i say take your muffler and cat off

any snowy track days in the works?

and yeah, I’ll probably commit to 2-3 days when you know the dates etc.

Weekends (it seems from the comments) are best and I don’t mind if teh cost (weekend vs. weekday) is a little higher…

no, no track days this winter.
im goin to mexico next friday then moving outwest untill teh spring.

dammm, you had made brief mention of one, and I was looking forward to it…