Dish Network comes through with a big slap in the face


umm lets not count the Voom shit that dish acquired, dtv has a ton more HD without that compressed voom crap dish calls HD.


Yeah, they could toss the majority of the Voom stuff and I wouldn’t even notice. But what major networks does DTV have that Dish doesn’t? Spike and FX are the only two I see. Channels like CNN and Cartoon Network in HD are just as pointless as Voom.

Dish is adding USA HD and SciFi HD probably this week.

until i can get on-demand elsewhere cable is where i’ll be

There should be no need to sign a contract when you have to buy your own equipment. TW FTW.

im testing on demand now for dtv, it rocks so far.

coming out soon.

lol TW FTW yeah if u want shitty HD and overpriced TV, Cable and phone, then yeah GO TW!!!


until i can get on-demand elsewhere cable is where i’ll be


Until they start doing on demand HD it’s nothing more than a useless gimmick to me. I’d rather get a movie from Netflix, wait 2 days, and watch it in near HD quality (upconverting dvd player) than that compressed on demand crap that TW had.

Dish has “dish online” where they push content through your highspeed internet connection but so far they’re only using it as a huge PPV library. :tdown: They’re supposed to be using it for some free on demand and even HD stuff eventually.

Yeah right how much do you pay for all your TV, internet and phone a month?

$90 for TV (dish 250 + DVR + HD. 4 rooms)
$30 for Internet (TW)
$30 for unlimited phone (Vonage)

$150 after tax. And unlike when I had TW for TV my DVR works, doesn’t lock up, and doesn’t require me to unplug/reset it ever 2-3 days and doesn’t have the huge list of stupid bugs like the TW box.

Does the TW DVR still jump to the end of a show if you start watching it from the DVR while it was recording?


Yeah right how much do you pay for all your TV, internet and phone a month?


I pay 60 a month for my DTV with HD and DVR. Grandfathered in on total choice plus locals from a while ago.

plus i have all the movie channels for 6 months free.

45 for my cell bill, no home phone.

60 for internet hence that TW is overpriced crap FIOS>>>>>>>>>>>> god i cant wait, what is TW going to do when fios and fios tv come out for everyone?, lower theyre rates…hahahah right.

TW sucks balls plain and simple. No offense Ryan :slight_smile:

My DVR-HD box never had any of those issues. The only problem Ive had with it is once in awhile it seems to forget that a show is setup to record and you have to set it to record again. The hard drives seem to die on me about every 6 months.

Im paying $135 (inc tax) a month for TW digital cable with HD and DVR, Road Runner, and their digital phone. But I dont get any extra movie channels.

If you are interested in DirecTV let me know, I can get you set-up. Our HD service is only $10.99 for your entire account regardless of how many HD sets you have and we have over 85 HD channels and more coming every 2 weeks.


The hard drives seem to die on me about every 6 months.


For $15 a month I’d much rather have my reliable DVR that doesn’t loose everything I have recorded every 6 months. Not to mention MUCH more HD. The only thing TW has going for them is HD Sabres, and unfortunately that’s a pretty big thing.


until i can get on-demand elsewhere cable is where i’ll be


DirecTV has FREE OnDemand. But you have to have an HD DVR and Highspeed Internet connection to it for the OnDemand to work.

What is your regular service o1s4? I pay 34.99 for the Dish 120 with no HD

I am in dire need of HD but dont really like what I have heard about Dish


If you are interested in DirecTV let me know, I can get you set-up. Our HD service is only $10.99 for your entire account regardless of how many HD sets you have and we have over 85 HD channels and more coming every 2 weeks.


right now iv got the directv dvr plus receiver, just bought it about 3 months ago. im kicking myself cuz i didnt buy the hd receiver, but my ? is, i want to upgrade now and is there anyway to do that without having to spend the 100$ on the receiver and be stuck with mine?


DirecTV has FREE OnDemand. But you have to have an HD DVR and Highspeed Internet connection to it for the OnDemand to work.


i like it so far, but its not out yet from what they were telling me, still some bugs from what ive encountered.

Originally Posted by Indiana627
Sabres HD on Directv is coming soon. Be patient and you’ll get an extra Christmas present.

Should be here and running by Mid week 12/10/07
Per Dtv regional manager for W.N.Y.

Merry Xmas.


Originally Posted by Indiana627
Sabres HD on Directv is coming soon. Be patient and you’ll get an extra Christmas present.

Should be here and running by Mid week 12/10/07
Per Dtv regional manager for W.N.Y.

Merry Xmas.


people say shit like that every month.


(i have never used that smiley)

stay with shitty dish network and we will see :stuck_out_tongue:

DTV already activated msgHD, they are just waiting for a fiber connection to be made for the sabres to be included.

Dish has me for 6 more months by contract. By then the Sabres season is over and they have all summer to figure out how to get MSG HD Buffalo. If they don’t have it by then I’ll switch.

the games dont matter until the playoffs, and those games arent on MSG anyway