Dish Network comes through with a big slap in the face


stay with shitty dish network and we will see :stuck_out_tongue:

DTV already activated msgHD, they are just waiting for a fiber connection to be made for the sabres to be included.


dish has a channel for it, you just cant get to it. lol

edit: and it will cost you another 20 beans to watch it in your bedroom

lol nice!!!


dish has a channel for it, you just cant get to it. lol

edit: and it will cost you another 20 beans to watch it in your bedroom


You call back yet? The person you talked to was an idiot.


For $15 a month I’d much rather have my reliable DVR that doesn’t loose everything I have recorded every 6 months. Not to mention MUCH more HD. The only thing TW has going for them is HD Sabres, and unfortunately that’s a pretty big thing.


I’ve had the same DVR box since DVR first came to Buffalo (2 of them). HDD never died :shrug:

Here I am!!

I was out in Albion today. Took me a little while to get back guys.

John, your still not talking to the right person. It is only one $20 HD programming charge no matter how many HD receivers you get. Call again and ask to speak to a coach.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope everyone in the India call center DIAF. Useless is the best word I can use to describe it.

And Dish does have On-demand. You need to hook a ethernet cable from your router/gateway to your VIP 222/622/722 to use it though. I believe I posted up on it awhile ago.

And does DTV give free HD-DVRs yet? The answer is NO.

HD-DVR > *


Does the TW DVR still jump to the end of a show if you start watching it from the DVR while it was recording?


Na, just did this last night was recording The Hills and jumped in halfway on my DVR and had no problem.


Na, just did this last night was recording The Hills and jumped in halfway on my DVR and had no problem.


You seem like a cool guy, but vote for ban. :slight_smile:

I have MSG HD, checked last night. now just waiting for them to get the alt channel up for the sabres.

chalk one more up for DTV. :slight_smile:

^ Really interested to see if they get that alt channel up. Regular MSG HD is worthless to me.

they are already working on it, see my post a few up.

Yeah, but I’ve seen posts like that since the start of the season. I’m putting that under the “I’ll believe it when I see it” column.

you guys never believed that dtv would even get msg hd, and now that they have it up and running, you dont believe that they are getting the sabres…lol

When I saw all the RSN’s they were adding I figured they’d get MSG HD. That strange arrangement TW has with the Sabres and that HD fiber feed coming out of HSBC is the only thing that makes me doubtful about how quickly DTV will get access to it.

i hear ya, im still pissed dtv doesnt get channel 4 in HD, still have to use my antenna

I still don’t get the desire to have HD locals from dish. I put a DB4 inside my attic and it pulls in CBS, NBC, FOX and ABC flawlessly. My receiver has 3 tuners, TV1, TV2 and Antenna, so by using the antenna it keeps both tuners TV1 and TV2 available. The only time I wish I had Dish provided local HD was when I want to record 2 local channel HD shows at the same time, but that’s very rare.


I still don’t get the desire to have HD locals from dish. I put a DB4 inside my attic and it pulls in CBS, NBC, FOX and ABC flawlessly. My receiver has 3 tuners, TV1, TV2 and Antenna, so by using the antenna it keeps both tuners TV1 and TV2 available. The only time I wish I had Dish provided local HD was when I want to record 2 local channel HD shows at the same time, but that’s very rare.


Can you split the signal from the DB4 antenna to two seperate TV’s?


Can you split the signal from the DB4 antenna to two seperate TV’s?


I don’t see why not. It’s just an off air antenna, not like it’s a digital encrypted signal like what’s coming from the dish. Aka, it’s glorified rabbit ears. :slight_smile:

BTW, I tried lots of different antennas and I <3 my DB4. I don’t even have it mounted properly. It was just tall enough to wedge between the floor and a rafter so that’s how it’s mounted. After about 10 minutes figuring out which way to point it to get all 4 of those locals I haven’t touched it since.


I don’t see why not. It’s just an off air antenna, not like it’s a digital encrypted signal like what’s coming from the dish. Aka, it’s glorified rabbit ears. :slight_smile:

BTW, I tried lots of different antennas and I <3 my DB4. I don’t even have it mounted properly. It was just tall enough to wedge between the floor and a rafter so that’s how it’s mounted. After about 10 minutes figuring out which way to point it to get all 4 of those locals I haven’t touched it since.


Great, Thanks.

I am getting ready to run the cable and mount an antenna in the attic and this terk I have currently is not cutting it.

DB4 it is.

same one im using, great antenna, cept im only using it for 1 channel lol


same one im using, great antenna, cept im only using it for 1 channel lol


I was doing the same thing when I had TW for Fox. Except not only did I have a dedicated antenna, I also had a dedicated receiver since TW’s box couldn’t decode OTA and neither will my TV. Seemed like an awful lot of hardware just to watch 24 in HD. :lol: