Dish Network ?

Does anyone on here work with Dish Network? My signal has failed. I was on the phone with customer service for over 2 hours of hold and talking me through things to no avail. Then the woman says she wants to charge me 99 bux to have a technician come look at it. I said " You must be crazy if you think I am going to pay 100 dollars to fix something that has failed on your end." I have changed nothing to my tv/dish/house/plugs/anything and all of a sudden it is not getting a signal.

Any suggestions or is time to make a cancellation phone call and succumb to the bastard that is Adelphia?

I work For DirecTV, I could fix it for you.
But just so you know if you threaten to Cancel they will fall to their knees and give you want you want for free.
I have installed for a lot of people switching from Dish to Direct, and when they call to cancel I always here, “If you would have said that before I called DirecTV I would have kept you guys” it is soooo funny.
But for the best, DirecTV is a way better company.

DirecTV gets the big :tdown: for deactivating the HU cards. :mamoru:

I did threaten to cancel thinking the same thing…she said…if u hold I will put u in touch with the cancellation dept.

They always do that, and just keep on, and when you cancel tell them you want you service to end next Monday or something like that, and tell them that that is when _______ is coming to switch your service, that is when they think you are serious, and the free stuff starts pouring in.

too bad it takes 1 hour to get someone live on the phone.

Yeah that is like any company. Its called retention. They have a department of people whose only job is to keep you from cancelling service.

sweet…I am gonna call and say I couldnt find anyone to fix it for cheap…Cancel me and see what happens. But am I wrong in being a prick about it since after all I bought the equipment?

no, you pay a bill to a shitty company every month Right?? they owe you this service call. Tell them how pissed you were about missing the Sabers games, when you get OLN with DirecTV’s base package at no additional charge.
When we were at Taffy’s, Some fat Old Guy was sitting in his Pick-Up truck watching the game in the parking lot, because he had Dish and could not see the game at home.

Garbage can…what would u charge me to fix it? Or is it something I could do?

lol u have no idea how much free shit ive gotten from calling dtvs retention dept.

HDTIVO 99 bucks :slight_smile:

I work for Dish. Send me a PM with your address and cell. I’ll see if I can swing by tomorrow.

This is so true it’s not even funny. Most businesses actaully have a set amount they will spend to keep you.

To bad it will be worthless for the new HD stuff. They are giving those thigns away now.


u must mean mpeg4 which isnt even mainstream now, and please show me where they are giving away HDtivos.

Well anything that is going to come thru on the new oval 5 dish will be, and I ask people how much they pay when I install it in their house.

Big :tup: for helping me out this afternoon, we were unable to solve the problem but atleast now the issue has been found. This just proves how valuable this community can be. I owe ya a couple :beer: :tup:

Yeah, it had to be the only part I couldn’t give you. Thats always the case.

Multi swtch or something?

Nope. Receiver took a shit.