DMCC 2009

Hey Guys since this has turned into a drifting in Ontario discussion more than anything I figured it was time to say something.

First of all I encourage everyone and anyone to help drifting grow. But please be aware one person cannot do it by themselves everyone needs to step up and that doesn’t mean just posting on son. Drifting is a sport where 16 cars is considered a full field and 35 cars is considered enough to cover track costs. If you really think about it 35 is nothing. Instead of trying to jump over hurdles lets all take baby steps first. I for one (and the DriftOps crew is in the same boat) have lost money year after year while trying to hold drifting events in an effort to get this sport to grow in Ontario.

I think the oval tracks are key and I also think that the exhibitions are a great idea. I am willing to help out with this and am even willing to hold our qualifications at these days if that’s what’s needed to get more numbers out in a effort to cover costs.

I do have one BIG warning for everyone. Although Dunville and Cayuga both state that the drifting regulations are due to the locals complaining, which for the most part it is. You guys really do need to realize that when you are at tracks you must act appropriately. We need to give drifting a good name. When you are at the track the paddocks, and parking lot is NOT the track. Wait till you are actually on the track. Coming from road racing I can tell you that’s one of the biggest pet peeves of those guys

As always in the past years I will allocate a certain amount of track time towards drifting and am willing to use that time in whichever way seems best for the drift community. I’m not trying to say we are the greatest thing out there but I am sure most people can admit CSCS is one of the best places for drifters to go out and show other enthusiasts what the sport is all about.

Once people see drifting live and understand it they seem to love it.

^^ I agree with that. I remember in one of the CSCS events, an individual was doing a straight 10-20 second burnout infront of a crowd of 100+ that were only a few feet from that vehicle. To say the least, it ruined an important run for one of the tandem competitors and they had to re-do it. What if the drivers screwed up massively and crashed into the wall or each other because they couldn’t see because of the huge smoke coming from this car.

OR, Imagine if the driver screwed up his burnout and ran the crowd over which could be VERY deadly, how would that look on the headlines?

Drifter kills 5 people in a selfish act of a burnout at the track.

That in itself was just plain stupid and selfish, and obviously the driver didn’t think about the consequences of his actions, not to mention thinking about his other fellow drifters doing a run right after him. To do a burnout in the pits is already stupid and people have been flamed for doing that, but to do a burnout infront of a large unprotected crowd…seriously?

I suggest any stupidity like that gets an instant ban for the whole year from that organizations events.

Just my 2 cents, but I’m sure the driver won’t agree with me and probably call me cocky.

That’s awesome… if Dunnville were going to allow drift this year i would totally set up an event and do the CSCS qualifying but they wont be allowing it this year.

If you have the ability to get TMP to allow drift on a non-CSCS event day let me know and we may be able to add it to our 09 event schedule…

I wish I could get extra days, but he says even our three days are pushing his luck. Seems likes things change in that county month by month though, so maybe in the future things will be different

i agree with u on this one. it takes one thing to go wrong and he (green hatch back) would of killed or harmed many spectators. plus there were lil kids walking around too. im glad to see it a joke to some ppl.

if you wanna be a clown go join the circus

^^ Unfortunately he is not the one I was talking about. The green hatchback did a burnout in the pits iirc. The one I’m talking did a burnout at the end of the stretch where the crowd gathers around turn 1.

a blue skyline cough cough

no need to point fingers, its done and over with I think everyone has learned from it… however it cannot happen by anyone and if it does the driver will not only be kicked out of the competition but also asked to leave the track entirely…this is for CSCS.

Lets give drifting a good name and show everyone that drifters arent “punk kids”

Ahhh I wanna go sideways. Dunnville is a nice place to drift but sadly not allowed.

The best thing we got is local small ovals and there lots for demo’s. Once I get some stuff settled with Martino we will help

i understand why tho, ur ampd u wanna get the crowd ampd. but saftey first ppl.

Shhh lol. We mus int let out the secret to early Tom!

Glad to see that there are actually serious people that want drifting to grow as I do myself. I for one would be glad to help out in any way. Justin I would be down for some exhibition a long with a few other guys that have been talking about the same thing for a few months now.

Oval tracks shouldnt scare people or lead them into thinking their stock engines will hold back their performance. Take Curtis from Drift Posse for example. This guy had an SOHC ka and demolished Kawartha when Drift Free was up and running. I for one didnt have the greatest setup for gymkhana that one year at CSCS with my stock everything s13, for those of you who remember but I still went out and had a blast. With drive and determination I think we can all accomplish great things.

As someone stated before being the founders of drifting in Canada/Ontario would be bad ass but we shouldnt forget the ones before that have tried their hardest to do so. I would like to give mad respect to those guys i.e DriftNation, DriftOps & DriftStar I dont have much knowledge of them but those were the names I’ve seen and heard when I was just getting into the scene. I think one big organization would be the best idea and we can get some of the OG’s in on it.

Another point I would like to bring up is media does make a big difference. I dont remember if it was for the exhibition that went down at Grand Prix or the first time DMCC was coming out but I remember seeing ads in the paper and even on the trash bins on the side of the road. That really caught my attention and got me all hyper to see drifting up close and personal.

the hype that got me into drifting was wen i was in highschool and i went to darknights car show w/ asian girls and there was a driftnation demo going on. dam those were the days.

i talked to a gentlemen at Flamboro, he said he wasnt interested because when we go off track it makes a mess, and the go-cart guys get pissed!

same answer i got too^^^

thats ok we can fix that over time. we just need to prove we are not all assholes.

No oval track.

Oval would be nice with a transition into the middle. Like a lot of the drift videos we’ve all seen on youtube, I think it’d be something cool to try. The only issue with ovals, will be drivers being to scared of the wall. Personally, I couldn’t care…It’s not like finding another chassis is hard around here. Power may also come into play, I mean I want to do oval, but unless someone has the skill to do it in an underpowered car, its going to be quite tricky. If we’ve got some sort of transition into a middle arena, it’ll allow guys without boost, or guys with stock motors, to have just as much fun as all of us, “swap guys”.

Just something to consider, when choosing oval tracks.

I’m down with ovals, now that i have coils and a set of good tires i’m ready to tackle corner 0 in the KA… if its even possible.

oh call it is possible

u just gotta go FAST

enter in 4th. weight transfer. shift lock into 3rd and hang on