run 185/50/15 tires pumped to 50psi that will help lol
just 50?
@Peter: i dont know if i should feint in, you’ve felt me weight transer… i think i’ll end up in the wall.
just dont do it as agressive lol
for the first few times just drive in to the corner. with speed and a little power it will sart to come out. ones you get a good angle use your steering wheel to keep it, at the same time modulate the throttle to keep the ass end out
but it kills the tires!
On a KA?
Curtis did it with a single cam…that’s nuts.
Yar, Lucas said he nailed it with the KA and on springs and shocks.
I’m going to try and enter around 120-130, with a little flick or a shiftlock into 3rd.
LOL, don’t do YOUR flick. You’ll kill yourself. Try a simpler less deadly flick. LMAO
i enter at 140+
120 is to slow
i swear this was the DMCC 2009 thread, when did it turn into Cal going to attempt turn 0? lawl… on that note, CAL DDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIITTTTT!
Cause Cal’s the youngest drifter out of us, and hes got his death whip.
135-140 maxing out 3rd off center clutch kick , then clutch kick as needed this was my strategy with the KA OF DOOOM
Got any leftover nawz for my KA?
2009 Info Package online:
Cher pilotes.
Eric Bélec président de DriftThing et Alexandre Crépault, président de Castrol DMCC sont présentement en pourparler pour former une seule et unique plateforme de drift canadienne.
DriftThing est établi depuis 3 ans avec plus de 40 événements de drift amateurs et de pratiques de drift pour l’ascension au niveau professionnel.
Castrol DMCC est reconnu comme étant le seul championnat de drift canadien de niveau professionnel.
Ensemble, le sport de la drift au Canada connaîtra enfin son appogée.
Les médias de l’industrie, pilotes, gérants d’équipe sont invités à la première rencontre officielle de ces deux organisations. Les places sont limitées, nous vous prions de réserver au plus tard le vendredi 20 Mars 2009 pour confirmer votre présence
Seuls les pilotes professionnels au sein du DMCC ou tout ceux voulant participer aux compétitions PRO-AM sont invités. Ce meeting est réservé pour tous les pilotes en compétition tandem SEULEMENT.
Date: Samedi 21 Mars 2009
Heure: 2pm to 5pm
Lieu: Crowne Plaza Hotel
6600 Cote de Liesse
Montreal, Quebec
H4T 1E3
514 344-1999
Salon : Paris & Rome
Dear drivers.
Eric Belec, president of DriftThing and Alex Crepault president of the Castrol DMCC, are currently discussing the possibilities of merging to form a stronger platform for Drifting in Canada.
DriftThing has established a base of amateur drivers and helps drivers progress on to pro level competition.
Castrol DMCC is recognized as the only Canadian professional drifting championship series.
Together, drifting in Canada will have a unified goal.
The details of this merger and other information for the 2009 season will be unveiled this Saturday.
Local industry media, drivers and team managers are invited. There will be limited seating so please RSVP by Fri March 20, 2009 to confirm your attendance:
Only drivers participating in the DMCC and drivers interesting to compete in the new PRO-AM series may attend this meeting. This meeting is strictly reserved for tandem level drivers, their team managers/sponsors and industry media ONLY.
Date: Saturday March 21th 2009
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel
6600 Cote de Liesse
Montreal, Quebec
H4T 1E3
514 344-1999
Meeting room : Paris & Rome
Ontario Drivers Meeting TBA
Confirmed Schedule:
West Division:
RD1 May 31 - Castrol Raceway
RD2 July 19 - Stratotech Park, Fort Saskatchewan
RD3 August 22 - Western Speedway, Vancouver Island
RD4 Sept 6 - Castrol Raceway
East Division:
RD1 June 13/14 - Montmagny
RD2 June 27/28 - St Eustache
RD3 July 25/26 - St Croix
RD4 Aug 15/16 - Downsview Park, Toronto
RD5 Sept 6/7 - St Eustache
Many more news on their way and will be displayed soon on the revised DMCC web site (almost complete)
Just booked my flights
So whatever became of this meeting? Whats in store for the amateur drifters who want to compete in a series?
Talk to Kendrick.
I am pretty sure he is planning on organizing a lil get-together relatively soon for all Ontario drivers interested in DMCC or Pro-Am.
Seems like there is going to be an Amateur Series for DMCC this year again!
Can’t wait to hear the details.
yea whats the deal!!!@!@!
fucking samson cant keep a secret for more than 45 minutes eh?