Do I tell the Etest guys it has an SR20?

I am planning on buying the blue 91 off eggman. For the etest, am I suppose to tell them it has an SR20 or no? Also has anyone had any problems with their sr’s passing etest? This car has a brand new highflo cat… im hoping it will pass, it better pass. hah.

Most useful tip you’ll ever have for an e-test…


So many cars fail because they are just started, driven 3 minutes to the place for testing and then sit around for 30 minutes waiting to get on the rollers.

Your cat only works when it’s hot.
Especially highflow ones.

Hey man.

Yeah nocwage is right and here’s what else you can do though that I ALWAYS do and I’ve never failed.

Buy a bottle of Injector Cleaner and a bottle of Octane Boost. Empty both bottles in to your tank, when it’s almost empty, then add in 15-20 in Sunoco 94 gas and take the car for a rip on the highway for at least 20min’s and stay in the high rpm’s all the time. You don’t have to speed, just keep the rpm’s high. This will clean your injector’s and burn off excess carbon build up in your engine and exhaust system by heating everything up. Then after that go right to the drive clean place and do your test.

As for telling them about your motor, yeah you kinda haveto tell them b/c your emission’s will be way off from the KA motor. I believe they test your motor based on a hot rod motor but don’t quote me.

Good luck man.

Easy 8)

Goto Nissan and get them to give you identifcation for the engine proving that it is a factory Nissan motor and that it was just never sold in North America…

The E-test place can then test the Engine/Vehicle as a Hotrod and the limits for passing are much much better.

Also… most cars will fail an e-test because the person doing the test is an idiot and is either A… not doing it proper so it fails or B… and does it wrong on purpose so it fails and they get to take your money.

I know a gentlemen who does e-test… he hooked up my Integra and started going… said watch the RPM… its passing, now its failing… now its passing… now its failing.

50-100 RPM over or under will fail the vehicle… for a 88+ Integra they have to shift from 2nd-3rd… most cars get tested in 2nd… well the car can fail automaticly just by shifting into 3rd… so you really need to find a shop that wont jerk you around.

Yes, tell the eTest guy you have a swapped motor and have him test your car as a “HotRod”. This is a setting when he is setting up your car for the etest.

From what I’ve been told (by an etest guy), this effectively reduces the requirements on your car, and makes the car test against limits for a car from 1980.

I have personally tested 3 swapped cars under this setting, all passed with flying colour. In fact, one of them, a ZC Civic passed without even running a cat.

A well running SR will have no issues.

Please, someone make a sticky in the FAQ regarding this topic. I always see the same thing typed out and I’m sure you are all getting tired…


the etest machine knows the motor that your car is supposed to have and if u dont have it you’ll fail no matter what. when they scan your car into the machine it recalls your last test or something. it has to match up.


then just hong kong style it.

Is this new technology because in my experience the etest operator can override any settings.

The e-test comp can only scan new cars which have bar codes under the vin #. With older cars you have to punch in the vin manualy, the comp will still know what engine the car came with but the tech will still have the choice to enter is as a modified engine or classifie it as 'Hot Rod" I think. Not 100% sure but I am still sure. I have done several e-test and done the whole training thing but did not pay the $300 for my certificate. I have not had to use the “Hod Rod” option on the comp so thast why I am not 100% sure.

mine passed, I also got tested as a “hot rod” 2Litre.

hot cat good, huge exhuast tip better

Does the ministry of transportation care if you tested your car as a Hot Rod? Does it specifically say anywhere on the E-Test sheet that you tested it as a Hot Rod?

so anybody wanna PM with any etest hookups???..