Dave please dont take offense, I dont want to get between friends here, I am just replying to what I see/hear/think.

The first 3 examples were straight up “I do work, come to me” The 4th was pics of work already done, said nothing to the point of “if you want this done too, let me know”. Same with my paint skills thread. It was work already finished for someone, look what I did thread. There was talk in there naturally from people asking to have something painted for them, those went to PM’s or personal phone calls. (see post 36 in my metal polishing 101 thread) Heck 3/4 of the pics I posted was work that was for people NOT on shift. That thread, and any other “whore” threads I made for work, I was DAMN sure i didn’t ask for work and sure as hell tried not to post a price or even an estimate. There is a fine line to solicitation, I let my work speak for itself, no need for “I paint cars guys, come bring me work”. The closest thing I can find on myself is post 26 in the polishing thread:

Even that is rather low key, more or less says I will work like a slave to build a resume of work than make bank on a job. Which people that had work done by me, knows I get raped on doing the work and usually did it far too cheap, even lost money on many jobs, but did it to help someone and get work on film.