Much like BITCH, trying to defend a kid crashing a mustang at 100 and killing someone… Only the ignorant and thick headed seem to bend logical thinking.

Dude, if you were that close a friend to this guy you cant tell me with a straight face what “drugs” he put into his body. No way. Either you aren’t that close and honestly never saw or heard of your good friend doing things that will hurt him (or if you did, apparently didnt try to aid him and step in), or you tried to cover it up. Thats the only two choices really.

Based on your replies through this thread, I would lean towards the later. Reading back it seems like you clung to the “you cant prove shit” story, probably knowing the truth anyway and backed up that with tough talk and threats.

Man up and I think you owe some people an apology here. Especially PJB, since he apparently was right from the beginning.

Want to know what else. I learned my life lesson about loosing a close friend to their own stupidity a long time ago. He got killed on a sled messing around when I was 15. People said “I am sorry to hear about your friend, how did it happen”… “Ohh, thats stupid, he should have known better, hes a moron, idiot, etc”.

My ONLY reply has and will ever be. “yeah you are right :dunno”.

Its called mutual respect buddy. I knew him and understood his choices, and why he did what killed him, other people dont need to. Therefor their comments are meaningless to me. I show people respect, even when they disrespect me… its called being the better person in the situation.