Just to set my part straight with Vlad and Dave, I didn’t have dave detail any of my cars yet, I was going to but have gone through 4 cars just this year, when I find a keeper I might have it detailed. but Jim did help me with my previous s8 so…

Would you and your buddy get your head out whatever dark place you have it stuck?

I don’t even know how to call with a blocked number, so get your act together and find out who has an issue with you to call you blocked. I was on the bike on the way to work when you called.

And Pete, I’m pathetic? You would blow an entire High school basketball team for $20. $50 you would get them a lifetime pass.

You comment was full of shit just like yourself.

You’re that beheaded that YOU brought up that amount and said Im taking advantage of the members. Not me, YOU.

And hey it’s you’re you putz.

You’re right I should start charging more to get by. You will be the only person that will be required to pay to use the site as a regular member since you’re so wealthy and you suggested the idea. Plus if I recall I take unfair advantage of members, I’ll just start with you.

Don’t like it? See your way out.

For the record, Dave, your buddy is saying I should have charged you more :rofl

Ahhhh fuck, KillerBlackbird Mobile Detailing Inc. :rofl

did you say mobile? you travel to the car? and also photos!!! we should work out a package deal this spring after i get my new paintjob!!!

I bludgeoned a Cantonese feather dancer with a garden rake.

Best post in this pathetic thread yet.


Im not waxing anyones vehicle lol. I didnt have anytime to do mine this past spring/summer/fall.

I lol’d at the fact Pete is calling other people cheap.

There is one instance where i recall Pete buying an intercooler off CL. The guy selling it wanted 20 bucks. Pete really negotiated the price down to $10.


Im cheap as hell 2… lol but i admit it, i try to get a deal on everything i can lol

No what he means is he will wash/wax your cell phone.

Yea perfect, is there something wrong with saving money? Sorry that I’m not in debt, have to struggle to pay my shit, no payment roll overs probably like you, maybe you should learn how to save your money and/or learn how to manage it… And please, keep my name out of your mouth, your a chode…

And cheap does not mean I’m a scumbag, so keep that in mind and keep up with your payments!!!

Hang your cross, stfu


No not at all, just left the port from Florida, setting sail to the bahamas as I speak

Liar. I just this kid with PJB sitting in front of Adult World in the Mustang. Pete in the drivers seat, PJB in back.

No car payments FTMFW

Who gives a fuck if anyone has a car payment, really?

You guys plan on buying your house if/when you move out of your parents with cash too?


I didn’t have an issue with Pete till these last couple posts.

I’m not really ‘friends’ with anyone on here besides Chad, but the way this shmuck is talkin to people when he’s CLEARLY in the wrong is just ridiculous.

Pete, you need to take a hike and just accept the fact that Vlad showed you who’s boss. Go on your cruise, relax, and come back in a few weeks.

Ilya pwn.

Seriously. Having payments on things isn’t a bad thing. How are you ever going to build credit? And if you’re living at home with mom and dad there is no reason to have huge debt so saying how financially responsible you are is stupid. You don’t have any sizeable bills like a mortage and I doubt your parents are charging you rent.