And it’s not like the parents would actually kick them out if the missed a month’s rent.

You will NEVER build your credit for the times when you need it (buying house, unforeseen circumstances, a car that costs more than $15k, and I’m not being an asshole, just using that as an example) if you do not have some line of credit such as a personal or car loan, credit card, etc. A bank can not accurately gauge your credit if you have no credit history. Having decent income with no debt will only get you so far.


Agreed. My credit score is in the 700’s thanks to my car loan and other small loans I’ve had over time.

ive been building my credit since I was 18…

I been had payments.

most normal people have car payments. Not everybody has $15-40k (normal range of a new/er car most members here own) cash to go out and buy a car these days and/or want to drive a 20 year old shitbox.

I had a few vehicles without payments in my lifetime but then I decided I wanted something halfway decent that I couldnt afford to pay cash for.

lmao +rep

paul… your truck is a shitbox


let me know when youre driving something made in this century

So what your trying to say is that just because what you drive was made after the year 2000, its nice?

well its not a dumpy old car

No… its a dumpy new car.

That’s just funny right there. :rofl

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Murrdog9000 again.

Late 90’s car = POOP, SO sayth the PjBizzle.

dont you have a '95 or so Integra?

Yep… and its 10x nicer than your dumpy f150.


Theres nothing at all wrong with my truck and its gotta be better than a 16 year old economy car.

Its a junker paul… just face it

nope, its not. Runs and looks good and doesnt make me look like Im poor

haha… my car makes me look like im poor?