:haha you suck i learned that in 2nd grade ! Its okay man.

I hate your guts every other day and then you make posts like these that make want to go wedding ring shopping :dunno

Not everybody has that mindset . Rest assured if a good friend of mine died and the details were sketchy I’d go apeshit on the fucks that cracked on him . If and when the results come out and ya find out he wasn’t on Roids and. Actually had a mental problem I hope ya feel like shit . Maybe its just me and I have had many friends / family die on me but I respect the dead and who is involved .

You’re referring to the difference between a rational person and an irrational one.

Irrational person: Has mental illness that could apparently cause him to flip out in public, fight people, and get arrested. Does it.

Rational person: Has same mental illness, seeks help, doesn’t flip out in public, fight people, and get arrested.

Hindsight is always 20/20, I know.

And just so you guys don’t think I’m just a dickhead kid running my mouth about a dead guy:

My mom is irrational as fuck, lived with it all my life, she’s dont plenty of stupid shit (not just the usual, some REALLY stupid shit) yet I still love her. But I’ll be the first person to say she’s a fucking idiot about a lot of things. I’m not saying the people who loved this kid should condone how he’s being talked about, I’m just saying you can’t be surprised or shocked that people blame HIM for his own death…

Maybe he didn’t know , Noone does at this point . When I’m aggrivated and in front of peeps I don’t go off but if I do its not pretty . When I’m alone is when I let it go

Word, and that’s cool and all, but I don’t know of any mental defects that reveal themselves in an autopsy report. Sounds like this new ‘mental health’ hypothesis is a means of making the people that cared about him feel better about his death. Like religion. I don’t see the logic, but it is what it is and I’m very sorry for their loss.

No I’m not saying he did , but maybe he did have one and Noone knew but doc and him . It happens dude

John if a your friend dies in an accident how would you feel?

If your friend dies while driving 150mph down a highway how would you feel?

If your friend does 150mph, while drunk, dies and kills another family after a history of DWI’s and people called him an idiot on the forums after, how would you feel?

Not all deaths are equally respected.

Disclaimer: hypothetical to prove a point, with no relevance to original subject.

I get what ya mean , but death is death .

No it’s not.

How much do you respect somebody OD’ing on drugs?

A criminal being shot who is firing at police?

A plane highjacker who causes a plane to crash?

You will respect his death as much as the passengers?

I don’t think so John, and you know it just as well.

Ok hypothetical…

Ur mom drives home in middle of afternoon…hits another person and kills that person and herself…police say she may have fell asleep but no evidence yet…

So people come on here and bash her and say if she wasnt a cum guzzling whore and swallowing cock all night she wouldnt have fell asleep and died or killed someone else…even though theres no proof shes a whore u would all condone people saying that about her?

definately NOT the best hypothetical situation you could have come up with.
are you trying to start another e-fight?

Are you done trolling?

We are not even talking about your dead friend and now YOU bring him back up?

Would you like me to bring back the original thread that got moved since you like talking about him and bumping old threads?

my hypothetical was way better.

Disagree. Death IS death, and no matter who died or how that person died, someone will be affected by it. You say you want to respect other members. Leaving this thread up was disrespectful to slowgto/yetti because this person was their friend.

At least that is how I think they’re looking at it.

You can turn it however you want with 1,000 hypothetical situations, every situation is different. It’s your forum, run it how you like, just don’t expect people to like how you run it all the time.

Keep in mind this is a second thread about this, that popped up after original thread was removed.

Back to death: there are honorary deaths, dishonorary deaths, accidental deaths, “he had it coming” deaths etc.

Agreed, This has gone way too far. Im not siding with Greg because hes a friend either. This is just ridiculous.

What is ridiculous is members want a thread about a non member respected and hidden, yet attacking on myself is fine, and when I try to enforce rules that allow other members also not to be attacked you guys say that it’s wrong and there are too many rules.

Cant have your cake and eat it too.

If you want censorship and mutual respect, let me do my job.

Otherwise don’t get mad when things don’t get moderated and dead people are made fun of.

+REPPP BEnny Boi

Lol vlad just dont have a clue nor do his nut swingers…

Death is death your right…u dont go kick people while there down when it comes to death…said from day one its all disrespect…vlad loves this shit…gets him off…

Funny mike and brad are two of the most humble guys on here yet they side with me the asshole cause they see and know what disrespect is…theres others on here who see it too…vlads afraid of his nut swingers to leave him so he does dumb shit like this

:facepalm the last couple weeks on this site have just been major fail

ughhhhhhhh i wanna spit on a whores anus