Im talking to anyone on here who wants to yap there jaws about shit they dont know about n hide behind the computer…

I don’t hide

Me either… Still didn’t answer my question.

I’m speechless.

Bunch of kids in here poking fun at death and despair.

It’s even more astounding that e-toughguys have made you mad enough to loose you’re cool and threaten to pound said ass.

Welcome to the Internet.

I do not envy you Vlad…this forum that started out as “fun” for you…is anything but fun right now…I’m sure.

Can’t we all just get along…Christmas spirit and shit.

If the moderating team did any thing he wouldnt be so upset. Thats right FUCK YOU BENNY

You do realize that you attempted to “solve” the issue by hiding the thread.

Guess what happened?

This thread.

Why? Because people wanted to talk about it. If you want to stop people from talking about your friend, you have to personally come to every single person in the capitol region who read/heard the story and tell them to stop talking.

If I closed this thread, guess what would happen? Another thread. Trust me it’s been like this on every single issue. You don’t “fix” the issue by hiding it.

This is a FORUM people come here to talk.

I’m not biased, I have basic rules setup that I’m fighting to enforce as you can see by other threads. This didn’t break any rules, but then you came in and actually broke them yourself.

The answer to this was for you to calmly come in and explain the situation and ask people to respect your friend. This didn’t happen and you simply enticed people to go after you and your friend more.

Did you go through every local/national forum and facebook and make sure nobody was talking about your friend? No? Then you fail at defending his honor and your little bullshit battle here accomplished NOTHING but further bashing of yourself and your friend.

If you ignored the thread it would have died within 20 replies. You didn’t. You made this one of the most popular and visited threads on Shift in recent months letting EVERYBODY read the comments made about your friend instead of a few people before friend died.

DO NOT come in here and try to blame me for your fruitless mission and your own actions that caused this to happen.

I tried to and got shit for it and told to stay in my section .

This thread going on really is kinda of what started the rash of other threads vlad , I get it on how people would have asked anyway and I do agree but if we kept it at bay it would not have blown up like it did

As a MODERATOR u shoulda ended it like when i called a guy the color of his car…u jumped that band wagon quick…didnt even use the word said he was like his car…but u think this disrespect is ok

As a person who wants people to stop reading negative comments about your friend, you should stop replying and bumping this thread.

Guess what, black comments were directed at a member.

Guess what your friend isn’t? A member.

Guess what your mission is? Useless, we are still taking about your friend weeks later.

Good job, he would thank you.

in on…28?



if you don’t want anyone to talk about your friend, then stop trying to re-ignite the conversation with “DID ANYONE GET A TOXICOLOGY REPORT?”

:rofl jesus christ bro you’re like a little sister

seriously all you do is come on here and attempt to start shit and keep it going with your e muscles comments about how youre gonna kick everybody’s ass like its the fucking WWE.

Dont like what youre reading? Leave and dont let the door hit you in the ass.

can someone give me cliffs on this?

I feel like the overweight girl at the party, standing in the corner while all the pretty girls giggle

decent points omitted becasue credibility was lost in the bold.

Just like the retarded kid that made the “trash MongomeryFulton…” facebook page that argued like a child with me over his friends dumb mistake that cost someone their life.


Show respect and you might get some back. EVEN if people sort of disrespect you somehow, you try to be better than them and still show respect to them and remediate the situation peacefully. AKA BEING THE BETTER MAN. Not the “BIGGER” man.

I think I learned that in 3rd grade.

^ would smash each one

damn it mike … fuck

Ok. Time for a Mike Wood hypothetical.

I’m fat. Everyone who has ever met me knows that, and I’m friends with a ton of people on here.

If I had a fucking coronary and died due to my fatness, there’s no fucking way I’d expect people that know me/friends to be like NO MAN YOU DON’T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY, HE HAD DIABETES TOO (I don’t btw ;)…yet) if I was being ridiculed for it somewhere or by someone. I’d expect everybody to make some cheeky fucking jokes, and everyone should know full well it was my own damn fault for not going to the gym and putting the mothafucking cheezbrgrs down.

Until someone tells ‘the whole story’ I’m going to do what anyone would do in my scenario and assume this kid douched out in a gym, fought cops, and was unlucky enough to be part of the few hundred people that die from getting whacked with a tazer a year.

It sucks, it’s extremely unfortunate, but in the end if he’d controlled himself and not flipped out like he did, he’d probably still be around.

Just like if I died of being fat I’d be one of the thousands that die every year from that, it’s unfortunate, but it’s my own fucking fault for sucking at being a human.

I love you benny :rofl


I would get in my car and give you a hug right now, but its lunch time and this cheezeburger stuff is making me hungry.