I sold a car for KK last year I think it was. I want my referral monies Dammit!

Lol i dont even know if i should respond to this low life…but seriously bro it shows the time u got on your hands that u can sit n post all this shit…get a life a real job and real truck and move outta mommies and be a man before u even need to speak to me again…and bro do u realize u look like your 50? Damn

this thread needs a picture of a billy goat so here is one:

jellies lolol , what happened to what u were sayin at b.w.w ?

Oh do tell

Just jellies telling us he was scared lol

You’re going to want to take that little avatar thing down and what it says.
Some of us aren’t laughing and I wouldn’t want anyone else to take notice of that for your sake more than we already have.


Aweeeeee shit.

Real question is… why no bans after so many threats? I am confuse.


but seriously, what started this all was the inability for people to separate a potentially harmless comment from actual disrespect and disregard for friends/family of someone who passed away.

That was taken out of context and escalated to what we see here by their inabilities to control their emotions.

Which fueled the fire, and provoked more bullshit towards the situation. Can the people involved seriously say I am sorry and cutt the petty bullshit? This has been going on for how long now?

Did u seperate the shit when that cholo wit the Audi fucked wit wheels ? Nope ya fed right in , so let them say what needs to be said . This is why I locked and moved the origanal thread and I caught hell from it .

GIANT difference homie.

Direct insults, utter disrespect, physical harm, threats, police, etc was involved coming from the defendant. REAL facts were given right from the get go to head off the “make up story here” bullshit from onlookers. (unlike this example we have here).

If i remember correctly all people did here was ask questions on what really happened, they weren’t answered, got twisted and confused and people ran with them and it got ugly.

we/I (in 2.7Heavens thread you are talking about) more or less made it plan as day what the fuck was going on, so anyone who could read English could see the true story and stick to one side. Where as this issue has half of Shift518 on either fence, from the lack of real details and people taking it so far into left field for their own motives.

Still defending a friend , and yes right from the get go insults were thrown

Everybody is a friend of somebody else John.

All those comments you make about PR’s are also made about somebodies friend.

Stupid actions by family members, friends, brothers and sisters are going to be universally made fun of and cannot be protected by the site.

Should we stop making fun of Herman Cain just because you wanted to vote for him?

Take it a step further and stop making fun of Obama, John.

If you don’t want people to make fun of you don’t do stupid acts. This wasn’t unjustified, THATS the difference. Not to count that he wasn’t even a member.

All I’m sayin is that I told people that it was a sensitive subject to members and they still chose to tear it open . Now they are assholes because they defend him ? If I busted on someone for suttin dumb a friend or family member and they got offended I would stop and appolagize. As I have done in the past

vlad ur funny dude…u cant come on here and call someone a ni$$er or anything but ull let people come on and talk about a close friend who passed and cant defend himself? seriously? when the thread got to the point of out of control u as a mod shoulda ended it but u didnt…u let it go and u my friend have let this issue get to the point that it is…and ur letting people step into a hole they cant get out of now and will have a out come thats not good at some point…

u are a very bias person and u only play mod to the stuff that goes against your friends or you other then that u dont give a shit about this site…but i guess that comes typical to this site…no one has balls there all behind computer bitches…i dont take shit i confront shit…u could have changes the out come of this long ago and u didnt even with it having a personal impact on peoples live that are in this site…its all good though like i said ill run accross each and every one of these guys one day…

if i wasnt on my cruise i woulda been at buffalo wild wings and would have loved to see what any of these girls woulda said to my face…sad part is there defense is gonna be im gonna call the police lol…

and talking about obama or cain has nothing to do with PERSONAL stuff in people lives…no one on here has any closeness to these people…ur trying to compare a apple and orange to pull urself out of the blame here…

oh and did u get and toxicolgy report or some info that even the police dont have all mighty one??? how do u know he didnt have something else going on to make him go to the state he was…NOTHING HAS BEEN PROVEN SO DONT ASSUME HE DID SOMETHING STUPID…theres many diseases that hit people and make then flip out and never know they did it…what if this comes back and he had a serious brain issue or something and he didnt even know what was goin on??? ur gonna say that was ok for people to go this far???

You talking about me Greg? I told you before you can come see me…