The video makes it look like more of a prank than anything. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

dude I’m joking and being sarcastic as all he’ll

some of you guys posting and saying shit like the sarcastic Singh does is seriously making me want to kick Neptune twice

dead ass !

GET THE FUCK OUT with that “he didnt do anything !” bullshit

and the

“police used deadly force , shoulda let the poor little guy alone to calm down”

fucking serious guys ? let him continue on his man child fit and keep fucking the place up?

yeah let me come into your house slowgto , let me do what that guy did while laughing as you suggested and just knock over every fucking thing in your house and expect you to allow me time to cool down and relax

and when the cops come I expect you to hold them back and say “hey put that deadly tazer away you fucking pussies and let this poor good man keep destroying my house he should calm down soon”

get the fuckkkkkkkkouttttttt

nothing personal or disrespectful we are all people and I love you all but god dammit shut the fuck up


I figured you were joshin me.

Dave its called ignorance. People are ignorant to facts when they dont want to see and accept them. Granted the guy lost a friend, which would cloud anyones judgment. But how come TurboTravis didnt seem to go buck wild like Slow did when his friend (cobalt kid) died recently? How come when he didnt have all the facts, he didnt assume the poor kid was not at fault and it shouldnt have played out how it did? LACK OF IGNORANCE? Maturity maybe? He knows nothing can change and accepted the shitty situation for what it WAS and knows how to move on respectfully.

My friend was electrocuted when her vibrator malfunctioned last night :frowning:


the cops said she was hoped up on coke and was just jamming it in to hard, but i dont believe it

vids or it didnt happen

check the news, unfortuantely they have her in her slutty halloween costume. Makes her look like a total Ho, which i can assure you she is not

LOL shit u think it’s too late to get it in ?

get the fuck out. link of neg rep :rofl

if you can get into the morgue she’d let you hit it i’m sure

lmao wtf just happened

im confuseddddddddddddddd

PFaux is trolling us I think.

that’s not funny getting my hopes all tangled up like that

Because as much as I loved my friend, I can admit that he had been well known to do some risky things behind the wheel, with and without alcohol (there is no proof if he was, or was not drinking at the time of this accident, or any proof why the accident happened at all). Sure, maybe a deer ran out in front of him and he swerved, maybe the throttle got stuck under the mat, but he was probably driving too fast for the conditions and may of been drinking.

I have no defense for the cause of the accident if it was speed/drinking related. With that said, there is no defense for what Greg’s friend did, or how it was handled.

RIP to both of them. Most of use have done something that should of killed us…most of us survive, but a few don’t.

THATS ALL, if you can’t understand and agree with that, you’re stupid as shit

Very respectful of you to act that way Travis. It takes a big man to stand up and say that. Thats why I respect you more than slow, and I know many I have talked to share the same opinion aswell.

U know like me anymore ?

Really krazy u dumb fuck… I came on this site n made a comment on travis friend n said i wont go there and start shit and sorry for his loss… Reguardless if kid was drunk or what no need to bash the situation… Let the people that have to deal with it do so without drama here… I lost a very close friend that u guys decided to make a spectical of… Reguardless of y or how that man had friends here and u guys disrespected him… I asked politely for it to stop… So krazy fuck u little bitch… Ur a computer fag with alittle fabrication skill… I dont give a shit what u say after this cause i know u will never speak ur so called google logic to my face bitch