Do you believe in climate change?

Let’s just make sure they’re on our side of the wall.

@fairgentleman_Z; I’m not sure what your point is. I’m guessing you meant matter and energy, but to respond.

  1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. (This is first law of thermodynamics) That doesn’t mean we want the energy from within the crust of the Earth to be on the surface.
  2. This discussion isn’t limited to cars and tire fires.
  3. Not sure where you’re going on the predicting weather 400 years ago.

@BED - just general discussion, homie. No green cape martyrs in here.

I don’t have a strong feeling one way or another. I think the more entertainment is the claim of science and the conflicting reports of science which doesn’t help people being skeptical. I think the planet has cycles and is warming naturally and we are probably speeding it along but when you have one report from “scientists” saying that the earth is warmer and here is all the data and then another report saying that data was faked and its not real from other “scientists”, you see why there is so much debate.

Yeah, I did not mean you specifically.

Nature is powerful and just one decent volcano can obliterate everything humans do to try and help.

it don’t mean what humans did was pointless. wouldn’t it be twice as bad if we had both?

It sure is, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t having an ill effect on our own existence. Why pay your mortgage if an asteroid could take us all out at any point?

For me, speeding this along is only part of this and the data shows that we are doing that in a significant way. The amount of change we are causing is only comparable to mass extinction events. We are a blip in the whole timeline so to have this much effect so quickly only makes it more notable. Do you feel like our point of concern doesn’t extend beyond a generation? Or do you think this isn’t having a serious enough long term effect?

Will the people here in this generation be fine? Obviously, yes. It’s more of a don’t piss in the river because you’re upstream type of scenario.

  1. Conservation of mass (you put 6.3# of stuff in, you’re going to get about 6.3# of stuff out, what happened to that 6.3# of stuff, if Billions of people are unnaturally displacing 6.3# of stuff daily what is the impact?)
  2. Examples that are related to everyday circumstances and specifically WNY.
  3. You established that there was a trend between increased CO2 and unpredictable weather, and you supplied a chart that spanned 400 years.
  1. Right, but my point stands. The impact of having something miles within the crust of the Earth suddenly being put into the atmosphere that we rely on to live. That has an effect. And we know what carbon is generated from fossil fuels vs natural events.

  2. That’s fine. Just pointing out that those examples are minuscule in their effect.

3.Read the chart again…

What I do believe in is solar panels and electric cars. I am not a tree hugger (obviously) but those 2 things make sense to me.

      • Updated - - -

Throwing deck chairs off of the Titanic did not help… much.

DOH!, ok, so how weather prediction 400,000 years ago. HA! that’s what I thought.

lol. It’s not a weather prediction. It’s looking at the composition of the air in the atmosphere based on the ice cores which were frozen during that time. They can determine that along with the temperature to see what correlates.

Every little bit helps!

AKA, it doesn’t matter if we’re going to sink no matter what as long as we can tax you for each deck chair and then tax you again for getting rid of them when we mandate you throw them overboard. :slight_smile:

Also, can we agree that there too many damn humans beings on this planet? We need a 3-4 billion wipeout to get back to sustainable existence before we even think about tackling planetary issues.

New poll with Jay’s option please

Growing up, I don’t remember the roller coaster winters like we have now, as well as the 30deg swings in temperature in a 10hr period. I find that odd. Maybe some old fucks can comment on this?

Well you never grew up so…

That’s your comment, old fuck?


In regards to the JayS type option;

I’m trying to get a better understanding of why it doesn’t seem like we should make more immediate changes. Is the data unconvincing?

@Onyx Z32 - is it possible to add another option to the poll?
‘Yes - but human actions do not have a significant effect and therefore our own actions cannot reverse it.’

Adding another option now doesn’t make for valid data. You’ve had a bunch of options up for several days and voting has been going on.