Do you believe in climate change?

Still more accurate than a 538 poll.


Delete all results and start over?

Make a new thread? haha

Hillary didn’t win, we need a do-over!

I’m late to this thread so I’ll just say that I have these conversations rather frequently and I often just distill my questions to these:

  1. Which climate model have you seen that has been accurate so far? (Answer = none.)
  2. The oceans are rising. How would you stop or reverse this from happening? (Answer = there isn’t anything, but people’s answers can be fun & revealing.)

Also @Paulo yes, the relationship between CO2 and warming of the planet is what climate models work off of but as we learn more we see CO2 has less of an affect. Perfect example of this was a few years ago when models had to be revised because the rate of CO2 absorption by the oceans was higher than first thought.

I’m sure I’ve said this before here but I have a Geology background, so we have a different perspective on things.

This is a fun post clearly made by a Geologist:

Yea people need to stop having kids.

Or at least only the people who can afford them would be a start. We’d fix the planet, entitlements and welfare in one step.

I believe in The Great Filter/Fermi Paradox - There are catastrophic events (planetary changes, meteors, solar flares) that wipe out entire species in our galaxy. As the human race, we’ve either made it father than any other living thing in our galaxy or we’re about to experience such an event.

Not a damn thing anyone is going to do about it. I’m sure we haven’t helped the cause, but at this point - you’re kidding yourself if you think we can work together as a planet to save our own asses.

Since @boxxa quoted this I’ll do so as well.

Overpopulation is a myth. Started by this asshole with his book The Population Bomb back in the '60s:

One of the biggest problems with this idea is that it failed to account for human technological progress, including bio engineering food like corn to make it grow better, faster, stronger…

You can find plenty of other points to refute this crap so I won’t get into them here. But I think most people learned about this shit 50+ years ago and still believe it, passing it down from person to person like a bad gene.

I recycle, drive a modest modern efficient vehicle and turn off my lights when I’m not home. Beyond that I’m not sure anything I do will accomplish fuck-all in the grand scheme. We’re probably screwed in the long run, taste the rainbow welfare herd families on the dole at Walmart would probably negate any effort with their carbon footprint so I’ll just live my life and move on.

I don’t do anything to inconvenience myself because when I die I’m outta here bitches.

@Onyx Z32 Sweet! Actual points of contention. :tup:

A general point before I go into the details; People continue to boil this down to a ‘I CAN’T SAVE THE WORLD IN A PRIUS’ argument. Stop that shit. No one is telling you to drive a Prius because your individual action will make the huge difference. It is brought up as a problem that will span generations.

Onto your two questions, Josh.
1 - From what I’ve seen, climate models are able to take earlier data points to predict the last few decades accurately. This is called ‘hindcasting’. However, there is some skepticism about whether or not these were ‘tweaked’ to match the present data in a way that makes them less accurate. I’m not big on climate models and rarely bring them up, but don’t the most conservative ones still show negative impacts?

2 - At this point there probably isn’t anything we can do. One of the bigger factors that climate scientists wanted to combat was keeping ice at the poles to human span normal levels.

I’ll pull out the bullshit card on this one. Got any sources on that? CO2, methane, etc have been proven to contribute to increasing temperature.

That long post is pretty interesting but has some easily refuted statements. Like CO2 levels being within the norm. That’s not true in the span of life as we know it. It’s like JayS saying that the ‘default’ of Earth is not to have ice on it. If you consider the entire life of the planet, the ‘default’ of Earth is not to have life on it at all.

Human life is pretty lucky to be where we are. We were given ideal conditions to flourish. Sure, something could come along out of our control and completely fuck us, but when? For right now, we have had a negative impact on the climate, and we can have a positive one if we actually gave a shit. It’s about making an attempt to extend the life of our species.

“Human life is pretty lucky to be where we are. We were given ideal conditions to flourish. Sure, something could come along out of our control and completely fuck us, but when? For right now, we have had a negative impact on the climate, and we can have a positive one if we actually gave a shit. It’s about making an attempt to extend the life of our species.”

I think most people take this fact for granted and look at it like Motocross, “after I’m gone, it’s not my problem”. Pretty sad way of treating others who follow you. In a very short period of time, there’s no denying the impact we’ve made on our own environment, the climate change issue itself not withstanding. I have a friend who would stand in front of two bins, one for trash and one or recycling, and throw cans and bottles into the trash just because he’s too lazy to use his brain enough to make the choice…and he has two young daughters.

Isn’t that a whole other debate on if recycling helps? I thought there is another debate going on with it being super expensive and the energy used during the collection, sorting, processing, reuse is pretty much just as bad. I know a lot of companies have one bin for everything now and have that “single steam” they talk about but I am convinced its a myth. Haha.

Another friend of mine runs a very large local recycling station. Based on what I know of the company that owns it, if there wasn’t any money to be made, believe me, they wouldn’t be doing it.

I should’ve used sarcasm font, I was not being serious at all there.

I think the issue is that with 7+ BILLION people creating waste and having 7+ BILLION differing opinions, there is NO way of uniting toward one single solution. Different cultures, geographic locations, throw in religion, politics, mood on that particular day…it’s impossible. There is no going back from what we’ve done, in my opinion. Unless some huge ass rock is flying at us and Bruce Willis needs to save the world we’re just going to keep putting bandaids on the issue until we bleed out.

Tesla has no plan to make money but they seem to be doing it… It’s amazing what you can build a business on from government handouts.

Are you implying that Tesla isn’t making money?

They’re not…

Do they not compare well with other auto makers when you take out the R&D costs that they are diving into? Not to mention their revenue growth. @boxxa makes that quip as if other companies aren’t getting any subsidies and Tesla is simply a welfare case.