Do You Believe in Evolution

wow brain lapse. I totally forgot about that…

I mean I’ve only seen Gay Niggers from outerspace like twelve times.

its an internet forum, not english class. sad you care about that sort of thing… thats where the “get a life” comes in.

the point i was trying to get across is that i dont believe. i dont need a reason to explain my existance.

holy fuck thats legit?

I know this has been beaten to death but here goes…


sure is with a 5.9 out of 10 rating

That’s fine by me, I just wanted a simple check on yes or no.



Of course, why would you want someone to think you are intelligent from reading your posts; That’s the dumbest idea ever.


that show sucks my ass :shoot:

because you will never meet anybody from this forum most likely.

I don’t recall the entire theory so, I can’t vote.

I’d agree with that to a point. I mean, when you think about some of the theories in the scientific community by credible professionals, it’s pretty nuts and really does show that we’re not as close as we might think we are. I guess it’s all subjective.

String theory, the big bang, and the Computer Theory (matrix anyone?) are all pretty nuts when you look at the nuts and bolts. Which one is right? who knows, everyones perception of “life” is totally different

Nice, side-stepping like the republican you are. :clap:

Anyway, do you believe that “god” created the human race or that we all evolved from single-cell organisms?

If we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys today?

Some choose to stay monkeys and continue eating their own poop?

Word, I’ve never met anyone “through a website”


God made the world in 7 days dumb ass everyone knows that

They are all theories, not laws or facts.

Choose one.


Ironic because I was actually pulling a Clinton by questioning the definiton and not “recalling”.
That obviously went over your head.

I’ll check snopes and get back to you.