Do You Believe in Evolution

Oooo, sick burn. Good one. :bloated:

You still won’t answer my question. Just admit you don’t believe in evolution and I will stop badgering you. Just click the “No” in the poll, that’s all you have to do.

I agree, but if one was proven as true, would our current “laws and facts” still be relevant? maybe, maybe not. It would still be relevant to our perception of reality but maybe not so much in the bigger picture

edit: where is the tin foil hat smiley

Man, you’re all about the e-bullying today.

I know AWDrifter is old and we should go easy on him but I just want him to give me an answer and then he can go back to watching Fox News and plotting to nuke the Chinese.

what about the car??

this is why i wont vote…i dont believe in either. and by voting no to evolution i would instantly be classed as a religious zealot by eveyone who sees this poll as an evolution/creation debate.

eww atheist! have fun in purgatory bitch

wrong, an atheist believes there is no god. i dont believe period.

hmm… I need to brush up on my definitions

Did you hear the one about the dyslexic agnostic?
He didn’t care whether or not there is a dog.

^ lol

i have this argument with various doctors at the hospital on a daily basis… they argue against evolution 50% of the time… and i HATE THAT

lol @ fry

why? their entitled to their own beliefs

just curious I suppose

I still get a lol buy how many people don’t understand what a scientific theory is. it’s clear that many think that it means a science which is not proven.

how many would think the theory of gravity means we don’t know if an apple will fall or just fly up into the sky for sure?

according to quantum theory its possible

I think we need to make engrish a bannable offense.

Then there would only be a half dozen or so people on the site.

quantam mechanics > theory of gravity.

It is impossible (for now) to make it into a law. The same applies to evolution.


so wait…the plane wont lift off the treadmill?